Chapter 6

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"How could you! How could you just lay there and watch them kill me! You could have tried something! Anything! But all you could think about is yourself! You don't care about anything if it doesn't benefit you!" I sit there, unable to move while a voice comes at me in complete darkness. I look around trying to find where the voice is coming from. Knowing fully well who's voice it is. Every time he yells at me, telling me what I already know, is like another knife cutting me at a new spot on my body. I try everything in my power to move or speak but all I can do is look around hoping he would just show up, but he never does. I just cry, waiting for the nightmare to end.

"Why couldn't you warn me? Why didn't you fight back? It's all your fault! I could still be alive if you had tried harder to prevent my death!" Letting every word stab me someplace new. I cry harder knowing what he is saying is all true. My face covered in tears and sweat, I stare into the darkness just waiting for something new to happen. His voice still shooting daggers at me. I finally start fighting back trying everything to wake up. I scream in agony until something works.

Next thing I know, I'm sitting upright in bed, sweating and panting. I push my hair, that's stuck against my face, back and throw the covers off of me while I try and stretch out the uncomfortable feeling my body is in after a nightmare as bad as that. I rush to the closest bathroom and lock myself in there while I collapse against the door, not having enough energy to stand up. I stay seated on the floor trying my hardest to keep my crying as quiet as possible. Once I finally calm down I get up and go to wash my face. I freeze at the sight that I'm in right now.

My eyes all red and swollen, my cheeks stained with tears, my hair messy and drenched in sweat. My whole body slacking the energy it needs to be standing up at the moment. I can't help but think that this is what I deserve. That maybe if I did more to prevent his death that I wouldn't be having nightmares like this. But of course I had to be too scared for my life to fight back. Too weak to do anything to prevent the one person I loved from dying. But I guess the punishment fits the crime. I can't be happy because I couldn't save my brother, because I just laid there and watched it happen. Something that consistently plays in my head like a scene stuck on replay. Always the purple smoke, the shiny blade, and his lifeless eyes staring right at me. After cleaning up in the bathroom, I sneak back to my room, hoping that I didn't wake anybody up, especially Jax. I walk into my room and go to close the door as quietly as possible, until a hand blocks my chance of fully closing the door. 

"Up late I see?" I sigh defeated when I recognize the voice, Jax.

"Did I wake you?" His face comes into view, but there's no evidence that he even went to sleep.

"No I've been doing paperwork in my room." He states and walks in. I lightly shut the door and stay at my place near the door. I nod, acknowledging him.

"Did you sleep well?" He breaks the awkward silence. I just nod in response. He nods as well and just stares at me, I look at him and barely notice that all he has on is a pair of sweatpants, not even a shirt. My wolf purrs, edging me to get closer and touch his perfectly sculpted abs of his. I am able to barely win against my wolf only because of the fact that nothing has happened between us for our bond to get stronger.

"Have you been crying?" My head shot up so fast, I almost had a head rush. Meeting a pair of tired eyes, closer than I thought, trying to analyze me. I shift in my position, debating what I should tell him, not exactly a fan of opening up to people, especially a possible mate, about my dark and bloody past that haunts me every time I close my eyes. 

"No, I just washed my face." I lie, making every effort to keep a straight face and not look at his shirtless chest. He studies me and we just look at each other until he breaks away and turns around, running his hand through his hair.

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