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"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you. 🎶"

"Happy thirteenth Birthday Ash and Reigh!"

"Blow your candles!"

Ash and Reigh together with their family and friends, are eating dinner at a restaurant at Batangas. It is their second night there. Which is the date when they usually celebrate their birthdays.

"Happy Birthday, Ash!" Reigh Greeted.

"Happy Birthday, Reigh!" Ash Greeted back. Then they laughed.

"Let's Eat!!!" Jay excitingly annouced, and Ash gave him a light punch at the arm, jokingly.

The dinner ended well and happy. Now they went into their respective rooms to rest.

It is 10: 30 in the evening, Reigh was still not sleepy. She is still widely awake. She just decide to open her social media account, after a few minutes browsing a pop up message appeared.

Ash Nyle: Why are you still awake, birthday girl?

She instantly smiled and replied.

Jamie Reigh: I can't sleep. I am widely, fully awake. How about you, birthday boy?

Ash replied quickly.

Ash Nyle: Same.
Ash Nyle: Let's take a walk. I think it's breezy outside so wear a jacket. I'll wait for you outside your room.

The two wear jackets and after that they both open the door of their rooms. (Did I mention that their rooms were just across  each other? lol XD)

"Hey." They both greeted.

"Let's go?" Ash asked and then Reigh nodded.

"It's kinda cold.. The water. It is so peaceful and beautiful.." Reigh complemented while looking at the beach.

"Yes it is beautiful" Ash said while looking at Reigh. Reigh looked at Ash then laughed.

"You mean, the water right?"

"Nope, the one who I am looking at."

"Asssshhhhh!" Reigh covered her face because surely, she blushed, her face turns all red. Ash laughed.

"Your so cute!" Ash teased.

"Stop it! will you?" Reigh glared at Ash.

"Okay! Okay! I surrender." Ash said while laughing and put his hands up.

Reigh and Ash were seating on a big rock facing the beach.

The night was so quiet and peaceful and the stars are so bright, The moonlight that  made them able to see the beauty of the beach and the cold breezy air that touches their skins.
The moonlight who provided to see the beauty of each, the sparkling eyes. That made the highlight of the undefined feelings.

"Ash, we were bestfriends for 13 years now." Reigh started their conversation.

Ash felt that his chest part tightened.. that made him touch his chest.

"Something wrong, Ash?" Reigh worriedly asked.

"Nothing." Ash smiled. "Reigh..." Ash started. "You mentioned that we were 13 years now, Thank you for everything for the past 13 years You are with me. I hope this relationship will last forever. I will not leave you, Reigh. I will take care of you and, We will be together forever right? Reigh.. Thank you for being my..." Ash sighed quietly.. and looked at Reigh's eyes "Bestfriend" a tear escaped from Ash eyes, while his chest become more tighter.

Reigh was taken back of Ash words. But what most make her stopped was the Pain that crossed Ash's eyes while saying those words. But Reigh just immediately ignored what she saw.

She wiped Ash's tear. As she began to be teary-eyed too. "Stop it Ash. You're making me cry." Reigh joked. Ash laughed. "Sorry for being a bit of emotional right now."

"Let's promise each other." Reigh said.
"We will be together forever. We will not leave each other's side. We will be happy and share our problems together. No secrets!" Reigh said, then put up his pinky finger.

Ash did the same and said "We will be together forever. We will not leave each other's side. We will be happy and share our problems together. No secrets!"

Then they close their promises by doing a pinky finger promise.

"I love you Ash!" Reigh said, that made Ash stopped for seconds.

"I love you too, Reigh." Ash said it coming from the heart. Reigh hugged him. and said something that made Ash's heart Crash.

"Thank you Ash! I promise, We will be bestfriends forever." Reigh felt a pang on the chest when she said that but she just ignored.

"Yeah, Bestfriends forever.." Ash said and another tear escaped from his eyes while hugging Reigh.

They separate from cuddling. When Ash looked into his Cellphone.

"It's 12 midnight. Happy Birthday, Reigh!" Ash said while smiling.

That night they smiled at each other and witness the beauty of the night.

"Hey, Don't expect that I have surprises on the van like you have done." Ash teased.

"I am not expecting from a person like you. Ash. Don't worry." Reigh rolled her eyes. Then Ash laughed. Reigh just watch Ash laugh, she felt her heart melts everytime she saw her bestfriend happy..

bestfriend, huh?...

They are not aware that they share the same feelings. The warmth of love in the cold breezy night.

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