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Reigh said.

"Aren't you sad? Because we will part ways?" Jay asked while sipping his coffee.

"Mmm. No, because I know that we will be studying at the same school. So, I won't be sad. And I am happy for us because we will graduate with honors, all of us. This is the real friendship goals. And not just schoolmates! We will be under the same department!" Reigh excitingly said. While drinking her frappè. They are in a cafè because of the early dismissal, because they will be having their graduation tommorow.

"How about Ash, what is his course?" Jay asked.

Reigh suddenly become silent and think. "Actually, I haven't talk to him about that. He is busy after my debut, he said he is doing something important to finish. That's why."

"Is that so?" Jay commented and they become silent. Reigh falls into a deep thinking. She is thinking what Ash is doing nowadays that makes him busy. She checked her phone to check if Ash messaged her. But no messages from him. She heaved a deep sigh.

"Any problems?" Jay asked. But she answered 'No'

"We're here!" Eun said and took the seat beside Jay. "Hey" Ash greeted and looked at Reigh. Reigh stares at her bestfriend.

"Are you that busy to have dark circles under your eyes?" Reigh asked. Ash laughed. "I need to finish it as soon as possible sorry, commander." Ash joked. Reigh just rolled eyes.

"Are you sure about the courses you want to take?" Eun said and they nodded. and she just said 'Okay' and ordered something.

"One coffee only please." Ash ordered. "Guys, I have something to say." He continued and threw a sad look at Reigh. Reigh become nervous at Ash's look. She is his bestfriend, she know him well. And she knows already what is Ash going to say. She instantly shed a tear but wiped it after.

"I am going to study abroad. and I can't make it tommorow."


"Reigh, stop crying." Ash pleaded. He can't make it tommorow because it's his flight already. They are in the van to accompany him to the airport. Jay and Eun went home after they ate at the cafeteria because of some matters. but before that, they cried at Ash as if he is going to die.

After Ash announced his flight. Reigh won't stop crying. Even in the van she is still crying. She don't want to loose her bestfriend. But it is for his future also, In abroad there are a lot of opportunities. and Reigh have nothing to do with it. She can't stop Ash from leaving, and she can't say nothing, all she can do is to cry.

"Reigh" Ash pleaded and held her chin to make her face with him. But her cry only get worse when she saw her bestfriend's face. But Ash laughed at her. Reigh instantly hit Ash hard. "What was that for?" Ash said while laughing and caressing his arm.

Reigh sniffed and wipe her tears to glare at Ash. "Why are you laughing!?"

"You're so ugly." Ash said with a matter of fact tone. Reigh started to tear again. "I will miss you, Ash"

"Stop crying. I will come back as soon as I graduated. That will be quick." said Ash but he is also preventing his tear to fall. He doesn't want to leave but he needs to. For them, For her and For Him.

"We're here." Ash's father said that make Reigh cry again. Ash and Reigh saw Eun and Jay at the airport.

"Buddy!" Ash called Jay and they hug each other. Eun also become teary eyed while comforting Reigh. "Be good there Buddy. There are a lot of girls there." Jay joked but he also shed a tear. "SO GAY!" he exclaimed that made them laugh. "Always take care of Reigh okay? But that does not mean that you can get back together!" Ash warningly said and Jay surrendered his arms and said. "Yes Sir!" and salute at him. Jay whispered. "I knew it from the start, don't worry. You just ate your words, dude." Jay whispered and Laughed. Ash glared at Jay and mouthed Shut up. Jay just laughed and nodded. Jay knows him very well.

Reigh? Yes. She knows him. But she is naive.

Next is Eun. "I will take care of Reigh. You, take care of yourself too. Study well and come home soon." Eun said and hug Ash.

"Study hard Ash. Take care."
"Always call us."
"Video call."
"Eat healthy foods!"
Reigh and Ash's parents said. then hugged him.

Ash hug Reigh that is still crying "Are you not going to say something?" Ash teased.

"JUST GET BACK HERE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE YOU CAN!" Reigh whinned at Ash. That made others laugh. "Okay! Okay! Easy!" Ash said and then Reigh hug him. "I'll miss you so much, take care." Reigh whispered. Ash shed a tear. "I'll miss you too. I love you, Reigh." Ash nervously said

"I love you too Ash, My bestfriend." In that words of Reigh, he broke in tears. Reigh worriedly looked at Ash.

"Nothing, I'll just miss you." said Ash.

They take pictures of them before Ash leave.
"Time to go now Ash." Ash's father reminded. Ash take a look at his watch.

"I'll go now. See you soon" He pulled his luggage. While waving at them. and then quickly turned his back and walked to the entrance.

"Ash" Ash heard Reigh called him while crying. But Ash did not turn his head back. Because if he do that, he will not be able to leave again. He needs to leave. For Him. The one who calls him.

and For them, he would like to forget his feelings for Reigh so that their friendship will last forever like they promised.

'I love you Reigh. Not as bestfriend, But as You.' Ash said on his mind.

Ash seated on the plane. "We will be taking off. Fasten up your seatbelt." The stewardess said and Ash did it.

The plane took off. Ash looked at the window and he saw their van moving away.

"Goodbye, Mi Amore"

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