DLMA 1: When It All Ends...

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Jins' POV 

"Let's take a break..." I said to the girl in front of me.

"But w-why?" She asked me and a tear escaped from her beautiful eyes.

"Look Jisoo!!! I'm going to be in the military for two years!!!" I shouted

She breathed in first.

"Didn't you trust me?" She asked, crying.

So stupid of me for letting her cry over me.

"It's not what you thi--" 

"Then I'll grant your wish. Let's take a break, you are now free Kim Seokjin, take care of yourself and goodluck inside the military campus. Hope you do well." And she walked away.

Did I make the right decision? Did I just really let her go? What just I've done???


Jimin's POV 

I heard the bad news, Jin hyung and Jisoo noona broke up and I'm really sad for them. But suddenly I remember Rosé, My Chaeyoung was not in good condition last time. Recently I've noticed we have a lot of misunderstandings and it's getting tiring. Suddenly my phone vibrated and it was Lalisa.

"Hey Royalisa, what's up?" I greeted.

"Go to the hospital that I texted you a while ago, it's urgent oppa!!!!" She panicking said.

"Wh-wh??? wh-what happened?" I asked.

"It's about Rosie..."

And my world stops, what happened to her??? This is my fault.

I rushed to the hospital where Lisa texted me and I went straight to her room.


Rose's POV

"Girls, let's give them time to talk..." Jennie unnie said when Jimin arrived.

"Babe, what happened to you???" He asked.

And tears escaped from my eyes and it's falling continuously.

"Babe stop crying, tell me what happened, pleaseee...." 

"I just tried to end all of this." I said.

"But babe, why?"

"It's because of you."

He let out a deep sighed.

"I think it's the right time to say this, we have done a lot of arguments each day and I don't expect that it will reach this stage. We're just hurting each other. I don't want to ruin your life anymore," he kissed my forehead "I love you and I always will, I love you more than my life, you are my life. But I'm already hurting you so it's enough" He said and left me hanging. He didn't even let me speak, he didn't even hear my side. Park Jimin until we meet again. 


Jungkook's POV 

Here we are at the bar because we are having some Despedida Party for our Jin Hyung cause he is leaving for two years and going to military campus. And of course Jisoo noona won't come because of the situation. And Rosie is still in the hospital and jisoo noona reasoned she'll take care of her, even though we all knew the reason.

We got the bar closed and it's just us and our close friends.

"Jungkook, get some drinks please and Taehyung fetch Jennie and Lisa outside" RM hyung said.

"Roger that hyung" we both said.

I was busy getting some drinks when RM hyung went to the stage and let some girls out. Ooh Oh it's not a good idea hyung. But when I saw my Lalisa entering the bar I forgot about those girls not until...

Someone grabbed me harshly and kissed me. I saw how Lisa's face changed on what she saw. I strongly pushed the girl and I got all of the people's attention. But I don't care.

"Lisa waitttt!!!" I shouted and I got her before she went outside.

"Whattt!!!???" She's crying.

"It's not what you think it is," I explained

"What's more!!!???" I wiped her tears away but she just removed my hands.

"Lisa come on, I'm sorry"

"Woah you look and sound so cool huh" she said. " Give me some time, I don't want to talk to you for a while."

"Okay okay then I'm breaking up to you"

That made her stop, turn around and face me and smile. And then leave me while crying harder.

Wa-waittt what I have just done? I hurted Lisa when I promised I wouldn't.


Jennie's POV

"I don't want this anymore," V whined

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"I know you'll understand," He said.

I smiled. I know where it is going.

"You want a break up right?" I asked and he looked shocked.

"It's not that Jennie. Cause you are Jennie and I'm V and we can't be." He explained.

"Why can't we? We last for years and you'll just waste it. You, Jungkook and your hyungs are just the same, you got no difference. I know we will be the next after all of their break ups, I prepared for this but I'm hoping it won't come. Don't make a reason that you're tired when you're not working at all, in this relationship. PROMISE BREAKER. It's not just the promise that you broke, it is also the trust. As I've told you I'm ready for this so I won't cry in front of you nor at your back. You didn't deserve a single tear of me... Soooo its a good bye, see you when I see you V" 

"Your Jennie and I'm V and we can't be."  

"Your Jennie and I'm V and we can't be."  

"Your Jennie and I'm V and we can't be."  


Jisoo's POV 

We all went from a break up. Lisa is really hurt the same with Rosé, I salute Jennie cause she didn't even cry. Because she said guys like them don't deserve us at all. I decided to go to their room and I just found them all at Lisa's Room.

"Unnie our maknae is hurt the most." Rosie said.

I just went to them and hugged them all.

"Don't worry girls they won't see us again." I strongly said.

"What if we see them?" Jennie asked.

"Then act like you don't." I bravely said , I need to be strong for these girls.

"Okay Unnie." They all said in chorus.

"Let's go somewhere to move on," I suggested.

"But when-where unnie?" Lisa asked, stuttering.

I pity this baby. She shouldn't suffer this kind of pain, so I decided to hug her tightly.

"What If Jeju Island?" They all smiled and agreed.

~To BTS I won't let you hurt us again. It's the destiny if it lets us meet again. Kim Seokjin you hurted me a lot but I can't show them that I am weak. We are not BLACKPINK to cry because of this heartbreak.~ 

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