DLMA 62: Im Here

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Typographical errors|Grammatical errors ahead

Jisoo's POV

Its kinda far from Seoul, It will be taking an hour to get to the place I want to go.

I didn't drive for my own cause of the reason that it will be tiring, what happened to me last time I drove is not my issue now.

I'll lie if I'll say im not thinking of Seokjin.

Its been a while since the last time I saw him.

We didn't even meet at Dara Unnie's wedding.

Im on the wedding ceremony but I am not able to attend the after party, I didn't get the chance to enjoy the food in the reception area, I didn't get the chance to finally meet him again.

Cause on the other hand I heard he attended the after party and wasn't able to go in the ceremony because of his upset stomach early in the morning on that day.

To be honest, I badly want to see him, I badly want to hug him, I badly want to have him...

But I don't think things can still go the way we like it.

We were the ones who is hurted the most. We need to gave up our relationship for the sake of all.

We had a talk, a smooth talk before I went to U.S. and he said by the time I came back and fate still want us, we'll make it by that time.

And yeah Im hear now, but seems to be lost. Can't find my way to go back to his life.

How can I comeback? If Im not sure if there is someone who is still waiting for me to comeback.

If I can comeback to the same person, If I can comeback to my home.

Before I even cry in the taxi the driver talked to me.

"Were near mam, maybe just 10 minutes left.." he said and look at me in the mirror.

"Oh kamsahamnida..." I said and bowed my head and started fixing my coat.

"You seems sad hija, mind to share? Maybe I can help..." The old man asked me.

I smile to him genuinely.

"Uhmmm, do you even experienced of letting go someone you really love? And you want to comeback to her if possible?" I asked him

"Yeah of course, been on there done that," and he chuckled.

"What do you mean mister?" I asked.

"I once met a girl a before, everyone is rooting for us, they support us, her family, my family, our friends, but one time she needs to go overseas abroad, to study there, I told her I'll wait, we don't have communication, cause you know that time its still very hard to have a communication its not that high technology before, I did wait even though Im not sure if once she came back I still have her,  or once she came back I already lose her, the only communication I have is my trust, I trust her and I know she also trust me. But the moment she came back I don't know how to approach her anymore, cause I don't know if she's still the girl I used to have, I used to love, but I took the risk, we talked and fix things about us, and now were twenty five years married..." He said

"woah..." is the only thing I can say, I am still in amusement of their story.

"So that hija, don't be afraid of taking risk, trust me sometimes it is worth it." He said and park the car to the side. "Were here." He said and look at the mirror and smile genuinely to me.

"Thank you so much, Mister. Things are now much clarified to me." I said and give him the fee and went down.

The moment I went down, fresh air welcomed me, oh its so nice hear.

Time for myself.

I walk till I reach the end of this Jumunji Breakwater I just stood there, I chose to remain standing.

I close my eyes and embrace the wind.

Lord, give me sign please. If I should still push this.

If you'll ask me, I still want to have him back.

Nothing feels home more than him.

I just wanna hug him the moment I saw him.

Wanna say sorry to all the pain we suffered. I really want him back.

As I open my eyes, I can see how calm the sea is.

"How I wish you were here." I said and let out a deep sigh.

I close my eyes again, but this time someone covered it also.

I know this, i know this hands.

My tears started to fall down from my eyes. Even though its covered by his hands.

I know its him.

"Im here." he said.

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