DLMA 33: I wanna make it MEMORABLE

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Rosé's POV

After the small talk with the girls we went to our rooms, honestly I love food but its been three days since the last day I eat.

And I don't feel hungry at all.

I already made an explosion box and I wanna have us a dinner first before it finally ends.

To: My Angel Chimmm
    ~Hi Jimin... Meet me at the park near at Han River tomorrow, 8 PM, let's have dinner and Im going to give you something. Text me when you're free tomorrow night. See you...

I wanted to tell him how I badly miss him...

But I just can't I will just make things harder than it is.

Hoping that he can go with me tomorrow.

I checked my phone to see what time is it and to found out its already late... Its passed twelve... Hoping that he is still awake...

Suddenly my phone ring...

Jimin's POV

I can't sleep, after we got home,  I walked straightly to my room didn't bother to eat at all.

Aghhhh... How I miss my Chaenggg...

Suddenly my phone beeped...

From: My Angel Chaeee
         ~Hi Jimin... Meet me at the park near at Han River tomorrow, 8 PM, let's have dinner and Im going to give you something. Text me when you're free tomorrow night. See you...

I got shocked when I read it, seriously Chaeng? There's no space to say NO. I want to call her but maybe she's already sleeping for pete's sake its already late...

But what if she's still up? What she's waiting for my reply?

I got no hesitation as I dialed her number.

"My Chae..." I said as she answered my call.

Rosé's POV

(Please play Eyes Nose Lips by Bigbang TAEYANG)

"My Chae..." He said the moment I answered his call.

I don't know what happened but my tears started to fall... I remove my phone away from me so that he can't hear me crying, I cover my mouth to avoid a single noise that he can possibly hear from me.

"My Chae... Babe... I know you hate it everytime Im calling you babe... Cause I just remember that Im calling you babe before right?..." He started. "I know you're listening just let me talk okay?" He said and I heard him sighed.

Can't control myself from crying...

"Once upon a time, I met a girl, a princess rather. I must say our relationship back then was one of a perfect thing that happened to me, im so lucky very lucky to have her... Until one day I need to let her go..." He paused and then I heard him sobbed, is he crying?

"I heard one time she's in the hospital, and she told me that he tried to end all of those problems she's facing because of me. So in that I made a decision that lead me to a different path, away from her, my wrong, my fault, I didn't let her speak that's why after three years Im still into that princess of mine. After three years they are now one of a really famous kpop artist many fans shipped me with her and that made me happy, that even other people can see our chemistry..." he said and let out a deep sighed.  "Im just jealous everytime someone got involve with her, im being selfish but everytime I reach that moment I always reminding myself that I don't have the right, cause its my wrong that's why she's being taken away from me. I cried most of the time in three years longing for her prescence that I have lost."

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