DLMA 59: Locked.

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Typographical errors|Grammatical errors ahead

Taehyung's POV

The moment she hold my hands tightly, I knew it. People around us doesn't matter anymore, in this new chapter it will be us, just us.

I won't let anyone ruin again my relationship with this girl, and I won't let everything happens again.

Were now in front of a lot of media, and they were asking a lot of question.

"So okay, were now down to the last question, so media ask a question that will make sense." The host of this press conference said.

One raised his hands.

"So Mr and Ms Kim, what's the real score?" he asked teasing us.

The media is really waiting for us to answer.

"Uhm so lemme use this opportunity, for everyone to be aware, that Im asking this girl for a permission to court her..." And I look at Jennie.

She look confused, she's giving me a "what look"

"Yes you are, Ms. Kim Jennie, can I court you?" I asked sincerely.

Jennie laughed at me and get her mic.

And it suddenly got me nervous.

"Im so sorry, Mr. Kim Taehyung..." And she look at the media. "You don't need to court me, I know you and your whole being, courting me will just make the process long, Im Kim Jennie, Kim Taehyung's girlfriend." She said and drop her mic and look at me.

She got me speechless.

I look at her open mouthed, so shookt.

"What now, Kim Taehyung?" She asked.

"Oh god! You made me feel nervous!" I said and pulled her into a hug.

The media laughed and take a lot of pictures of us.

"So its official, Kim Taehyung and Kim Jennie is in a relationship, that's for today guys!" The host said.

Everyone clapped and congratulating us.

We went backstage and the moment we step inside our room, as expected our bosses called us.

So we parted way first.

"Well done, Taehyung. Proud of you, for taking risk again."

"Thank you so much, boss. For pushing me to have this girl again. I owe you one." I said.

"You don't owe me, I owe you. You've done a lot of things for me, and its my only way to show my support to you. Job well done! Enjoy for now!!!"

"Thanks, boss!" I said and ended the call.

After that I went to Jennie.

"So what happened?" I asked.

"Unexpectedly he congratulated me!!!" She said happily.

And I can't stop smiling seeing how happy she is.

"Thank you." I suddenly said.

And it stopped her from jumping happily.

"Huh? For what?" She asked confused again for the ninth time.

"For risking on me again, for trusting me again." I genuinely said.

And It got her teary eyed.

"You're worth the risk, Tae. You're worth the risk." She said. And put her forehead on mine.

I kissed her forehead and she hug me after I did that.

"Im the happiest now, Tae. Thank you!" She said.

"I am too, I got my happy pill back!" I said.

And I remember something we need to do.

"Come on, let's go!" I said.

"To where?" she asked.

"Seoul Tower." I said and pulled her.

• • •

Her driver drove us and my van is also following us.

When we arrived at the Seoul Tower, we put some face mask first and went down.

"Honestly Taehyung, I hate you!!!" She said while were walking to the love locks area.

"Waeyooo?" I asked innocently.

"You brought me to the place where I left you, I feel bad..." She said.

"That's in the past Jendeuk!" I said and hold her hand tighter.


I put my pointing finger on her lips.

"Lemme speak now," I said, cause we already reached the love lock area.

"Two years ago, when you left me here, I didn't cry that much and passed out, in the other hand, I bought a love locks. Writing 'Kim Taehyung and Kim Jennie, this time we can be.' And I think that time came, I thin that time is now..."

I said and I saw her in the verge of crying.

"I don't even know right now, If where that love locks is, but one thing for sure, I can't even find that love lock right now, but I already found my love. Things happened for reason, and if those didn't happen where not even here now, I don't know what our fate will be, Im still thankful at everything, two years of waiting is worth it, knowing that what you waited for years is now here... So I didn't blame the process as long as it makes progress, I'll take it. And I already have my prize, its you Jendeuk, its you. You are more than worth the wait!..." I said.

And she's crying now.

"Calm down my Jendeukie, Im not proposing..." I said and be punched my chest that made me chuckle.

I just gave her a hug to comfort her.

And I distant myself and hold her both hands with my left hand.

"Know Kim Jennie, are you willing to lock your love with mine?" I asked and show her the keys I kept for two years.

"You keep it?" she asked.

I nodded.

"Yes, cause I want to do this with you." I said.

And now from the crying mandu earlier I saw a wide smile on my mandu now.

"So are you willing--" I got cutted.

"Yes Kim Taehyung, im willing to lock your love with mine, im willing to be your prize, im willing to spend the rest of my life with you." She said and it made me smile widely.

"So I don't need to propose to you? Cause your willing to spend the rest of your life with me?" I jokingly asked.

He punched me in my chest again and we both laughed.

"Oh come on, Kim Taehyung, let's throw the keysss!!" She said excitedly.

We both sealed it with a kiss.

And saying words before we throw it.

"Kim Taehyung and Kim Jennie, this time we can be. And this time, we'll make it."

Your author is curious, can you please put in the comment from which country are you guys from? I just wanna know my readers more.

And please read the ff below:

A little segway of one more short chapter for LisKook.

Two chapters for JinSoo.

Three to Five epilogues.

And Im doneeee!!!


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