DLMA 47: Free

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Jennie's POV

Im back here in New Zealand after 15 years of living away from my family, it was nice to be back and to be free.

My mom and dad are waiting for me in the arrival area, its been a long time since the last day I saw them both. Cause most of the time I just saw Mom.

"Hi our princess, I miss you so much..." My Dad said.

"I miss you too, Daddy." I said and hug him tightly.

"How about mommy?" My mom said so I hug her also. "Welcome home, Jennie..." My mom whispered.

"Im finally home, Mom." I said and smile.

We went to the parking lot and make our way to our house.

"Jennie... How's Jisoo? And the other girls? What happened to Rosé? And what's the issue about you? Are you fine baby?" My Mom asked worriedly.

"Mom calm down, Im fine, about the issue, YG got paid by Kai. But don't worry I know by now his fixing the mess he did. Rosé left without telling us where is she going, but one thing for sure she's travelling, she have leukemia mom..." My parents got shocked.

"Wh-what Jennie?" My dad asked.

"Only us, her friends, and her family knew about this. She have leukemia and we hide it from her, cause we know she'll put herself into limitations, and we don't want that to happen. We don't know what happened to Lisa but after our Idol Getaway she decided to have some distance to others, Jisoo unnie called our boss to give us a three months vacation individually. So we decided to go to our home, since Rosé already left, Lisa went back to Thailand, so here I am right now. Jisoo unnie is left in Seoul. And she said she understand us for leaving her." I said and a single tear dropped from my eyes so I wiped it.

I remember Jisoo unnie.

"Girls are you now leaving???" She asked with a smile.

"Im leaving in a few hours unnie..." Lisa said.

"Me too, were going in the airport at the same time..." I said.

"Okay girls!!! Fix yourselves okay??? Cheer up, you are not the girls I know!!!" Jisoo unnie said energetically.

"Unnie Im sorry, were leaving you behind..." I said and started to cry.

"Sshhh... Its okay, I really understand. You girls need a time for your self and I too. Sadly I didn't went abroad before so Im staying here in Seoul." She said and chuckled but immediately stop when she saw us not happy.

"Unnie... Are you sure its fine?" Lisa asked.

"Its fine Lisayahhh, and Im fine. Its just a three months break, while waiting for our Rosé to come back have some self time too. Cause we are starting to be selfless and just thinking for others sake. And sometimes its not good anymore. Sometimes we need to prioritize or self, its not being selfish, its just being aware for our own sake too. So girls, in three months I want you to enjoy. And please bring me some souvenir!!!" Jisoo unnie said.

We went to her and hug her.

"Im going to miss you unnie..." I said.

"Im going to miss you too girls!!!" She said.

Maybe after many years of us been together since our trainee days, this three months will be the longer separation of us. We used to hanged out together, we used to travel together, we used to do things together, but now were growing old, we should also learn things apart.

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