DLMA 52: Bad Time//Good Times

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Jennie's POV

We just got home from the post party earlier, and we really had fun, some of our friends are crying because were going to stay in US for two years, it will be too long though, but they understand it. That we should take some opportunity that is being offered to us.

Jisoo unnie is still not home, Seokjin oppa kidnapped her, lmao!

But I hope they can now settle everything, even though not as a lover, you know civil, no ackwardness and more comfortable atmosphere between them, just this day before we leave. I wish the best for them.

Earlier I can't drink a lot, I can sense Taehyung looking at me every second he could, and I can see sadness in his eyes, that made me question it.

"Why Tae, why?"

You didn't trust me, right? You left me that time. What that sadness mean?

Till now Im still thinking of what look he just gave me earlier.

Its already 4AM, and someone knocked in our door, we didn't had a sleep cause we got home by 3AM our flight will be at 8:30AM we will going to leave here at 6:30AM.

"Unnie..." I said as I open the door.

And she went to me and hugged me.

The girls also went to us and join our hug.

"It hurts, girls... It hurts..." Unnie said while in the middle of tears.

Rosé went to our kitchen and get her a water, while me and Lisa guide unnie to our living room.

And let her calm down first before she share to us what happened.

"I don't know, if having a memory loss is an advantage to escape from reality or an disadvantage of losing someone..." Unnie started. "I admit, the first time I saw Jin again after I woke up from a month of being unconcious, I don't know anger are filling me up cause I remember him leaving me to go to military, but also seeing him again feels like a first time... I didn't even let him explain things for me... I judge him when I saw him again... And earlier, I don't know if I should feel good or not, feel good cause atleast somehow we ended it right... Or feel bad cause we finally let each other go?" Jisoo unnie said that made us all shocked.

"Unnie...." I trailed.

She just gave us a smile.

"Glad we made it, we made it to be okay. Again, this time. And maybe were not just for each other? Its not enough to stay if your both hurting each other. I badly want to be mad, I want to be mad in our situation but I chose to understand. Why do we need to suffer things like this? Aren't what we have when we started is not enough? We didn't saw this coming. A lot of things came. And I guess, the best answer for this is to let go. We need to trust fate for now..." Jisoo unnie said.

"Fate, unnie? What do you mean?" Rosé asked.

"Were currently on a game, game of fate, we can't find and try to search each other for two years, we can't have communication. What we did, didn't work. So by now, we need to trust "FATE" for it to work. For us to work."

"You sure unnie? Do your think its the right thing to do?" Lisa asked.

"For now. It is." Jisoo unnie said.


Taehyung's POV

Were here sitting on our living room, Jin hyung also told us what happened to them. He's smiling when his sharing his story to us, but one thing for sure, he's not happy at all, his eyes say it.

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