DLMA 13: I Love You (Too)

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~So Hey ya Guys! ~
         I just really want to say thanks for those readers of Don't Leave Me Again (DLMA). Thank you for waiting for my updates. Sorry, because sometimes it tooks me a week or a couple of week before having a new chapter. But I promise, I'll make it up to you guys. Maybe two chapter per week will be posted cause I want every chapter to have the content that I want and to be honest it tooks me too long to have a content that surely you guys will be amazed I want every chapter to be meaningful. And also, sorry for all those typographical error and grammatical error. So just stay tune and always wait for me guys. Saranghae!

Typographical Errors|Grammatical Errors ahead

Taehyung's POV

I wonder why? I wonder why Jennie needed to transfer? What did I do? Did I do something bad? Or is it still about the last time? 

I feel so clueless. 

I feel so helpless. 

I feel so tired of guessing what's wrong with me. 

"Guyssss, come here!!!" Bang Pd shouted. 

We all gathered at his place. And we saw a van at the front of the bus 

"So... Mr. Hyunshi knew what happened. You guys need to be there at ten o'clock. He adjusted the time. You still have more than five hours right?" We all nod to Yg cause it will just turn to five in the morning. "He sent us a van but we can't join there, we can give you a driver but If you want you can drive it too, excluding my girls they can't drive." He said. 

"Ahh. Pleaseeee" Jennie said with a cute face. 

"No you can't." Yg said. 

And they all just nod. 

We smile at each other because of how they act, they look like a kid.

"I volunteer..." Rm Hyung said while raising his hands. 

"Okay Rm, I'll give the key to you." Bang Pd said. 

"Are we still far from the area?" Suga hyung asked. 

"Not that far, it is just one hour and a half for you to get there." Bang Pd said. 

"Guys!!!  We're given five hours so we can still have a lot of stop over to eat!!!" Jhope hyung shouted and we all laughed. 

"Okay let's go!!!" Jin Hyung said. 

"Take care guys, drive safely. We'll follow you if everything is okay now. Bangtan..." We all stopped when Yg called us and suddenly felt nervous. "Take care of those girls." And we all laughed. 

"Of course sir." Jungkook said. And we all went to the van. 

Rm goes to the driver's seat followed by Suga Hyung and Jhope Hyung because on the driver's side two people can sit there. 

And again we still have an assigned seat. At the back of the driver's seat it still has four row seats. 

Jisoo and Jin Hyung are in the front, followed by the sweet tandem I can't call them as a couple cause they're not. Or maybe they are not saying it. Anyways it's Rosé and Jimin Hyung. Followed by the Royal and Golden Maknae. And were at the last row. 

"Hey guys! Our seats are assigned again so go to your proper seat." Jisoo said and pointed out Jennie. 

"I will unnie." Jennie responded. 

"Good." Jisoo commented.

Jennie goes in first and I follow her, she looks at me and says nothing, she didn't even smile. 

As long as I'm sitting here it feels awkward. 

"Let's sleep!!!" Lisa shouted and we all laughed. 

"Because you didn't sleep earlier." Jungkook said. 

"Cause you're talking to me the whole time." Lisa defended. 

"Both of you shut up." Jimin said. 

And the atmosphere went quiet. 

I think it's the time. I look at Jennie at the same time she looks at me. We both turn into a red tomato, I feel it. But none of us avoid the stares. 



We both said at the same time. We laughed quietly. The atmosphere is better now than earlier. 

"So how are yah?" I asked. 

"Hmmm... Fine I think." She said. 

"Not sure about it?" I asked. 

"Hmmm. I'm really fine." She said. 

So I nod. 

"Hey" she calls me. 

So I look at her. 

"Yes?" I said. 

"Sorry for what I did earlier." She said 

"I know you have a reason for it." I said. "So that's why I understand."

"I just feel awkward between us." She explained. 

"I also feel it, as I said earlier. I understand." I said and smiled. 

"Thank you, I don't think I still deserve you." She said 

I was shocked about what she said. 

"Yo-you deserve me." I said. 

"But you deserve more than me." She said and lowered her head.

I lift her head up.

"You're too much for me. And I can't see myself in future without you. I'll make it up to you again, Jennie. Just let, just let me move." I said. 

A tear escaped from her eyes. So I wiped it. And I kiss her forehead. 

"Thank you, Tae. Thank you for waiting and thank you for still waiting." She said. 

"You don't need to say thank you, I choose to wait, Cause you're worth the wait." I said. 

And she smiled.

"I love that smile, don't cry again please?" I said to her 

"I can't promise." She said. 

"I'll make you cry..." I said. 

And she was shocked. 

"I'll make you cry for happiness..." I said. 

And she smiled and slapped my arms. 

I hugged her. And she just rested her head in my chest. 

"I still love you, Jennie. It never changes. And it will never change, I understand if your still not rea-"

"I love you too, Kim Taehyung." she said. 

And released from my hug and looked at the window. 

"Hey, for real?" I asked cause I can't believe it. 

She looked at me. And nodded. 

I want to shout. 

Im very happy!!! 

I hugged her again and whispered to her ears. 

"I love you, I love you, i love you, i love you Kim Jennie." I repeatedly said. 

She laughed. 

"Ahhh Tae, I can't breath." She winned. 

"I'm sorry..." I said. 

"I love you too." She said and rested her head on my shoulders. 

I kiss her top of the forehead. 

I won't leave you again. I'll be better. 

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