DLMA 25: Grandma Sung

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Typographical Errors|Grammatical Errors ahead

Jungkook's POV

Everyone is so tired right now, now we are heading back to Seoul, and our companies already declared the date of our collaboration release. It will be on any date of July, expected to be three weeks from now cause we all know editing is taking too much time. And three weeks is not enough but they are taking it in rush, cause everyone wants it and waiting for it a long time ago.

Fromyg posted on his IG account.

A notif has appeared in my phone. At first I didn't open it first, cause now were going out of the van and go inside the airport to catch our flight back to Seoul.

"Aghhh!!! I miss Seoul!" Lisa said.

"I miss Seoul too." I said and hold her hand as we enter the airport.

Many fans are waiting for us, with their banners of Blackpink, Bts, BlackBangtan and banners of shipping. And I saw a big big big, tarpauline of LISKOOK, and I fell inlove by it, but I fell inlove more with the girl in my side. *too cheesy kookie*

Someone throw as a stuff toy, and it hits Lisa's head, I know it hurts but she just laughed at it and picked it.

"WOAHHHH!!!" It looks like her eyes turn in to a heart shape.

Woahhh! Its a stuff toy of us, its so nice!

"Its worth the pain, though." Lisa said to me and laughed again. AHHHH!  My happy pill.

"Are you okay Lisa?" Jennie Noona asked.

"Yeah I am, Unnie. Thanks for the concern." Lisa thanked.

"No worries, Im just always looking at you." Jennie noona said.

And now were checking in, and going to the airplane. But there's something bad happened, our chairs had change, we are not now in a one line and seated as pair. Each of us are seated apart.

But luckily, well I think its my day today, Lisa and I are still in the same line but Lisa is in the side of windows, and then there's an old woman in the middle of us and then me.

I know Lisa will sleep and I know she won't be able to sleep comfortably.

So I let a breath out, and talk to the old woman.

"Ahm, madam, do you mind of changing sit to her? Or to me?" I requested shyly.

"Why, hijo?" She asked softly.

"Ummm..." I just whispered. "That girl beside you is so special and important to me, and I know how tired she is. And I think she'll going to sleep anytime, I just want her to be comfortable and sleep in my shoulders..." I explained. And the old woman smile at me wildly.

"Oh, sure hijo, I got your back." The old woman said.

"Thank you so much, madam." I said.

"Don't call me madam, just call me, Grandma Sung..." She said.

"Okay, thank you Grandma Sung..." I said.

And then she faced Lisa's side, so I pretend not listening to them.

"Hija..." She said.

"Ooh, yes mam?" Lisa politely asked. "Do you need anything?" She also asked.

"No, no! Is it okay to you to exchange sits with me? Cause I want to see the view..." Grandma Sung asked.

"Oh sure, Mam." Lisa said smiling.

"Just call me, grandma Sung, you beautiful lady..."

"Aishhh, thank you for the compliment grandma..." And lisa stand up and also helped Grandma Sung to transfer to her sit.

"By the way, you guys looks so cute and perfect together." Grandma Sung said, and I know I blushed. "Ooh don't blushed too hard kiddos, I wish to meet the both of you soon, by the way what are your names?" Grandma Sung asked.

Lisa looked at me asking me if should we say our names and I nodded.

So she removed her face mask and I did the same thing.

"Im Lisa, grandma..."

"Im Jungkook, grandma..."

We said.

"Ooh! From blackpink and bts!?" She shouted quitely. And we both nodded.

"My grand daughter should be in this situation, a very fan of you both, do you mind giving me a autograph?" Grandma Sung requested.

"Sure, grandma..." Lisa said and get the notebook and the pen Grandma Sung giving to her. And I did the same.

"You Jungkook, take care of this girl... Okay? You should always be by her side, never leave her and always be responsible for her. This girl deserves someone like you, and you deserves someone like her. I wish a success for the both of you, and keep that strong relationship." Grandma sung said.

"Awww, thank you grandma Sung, but were not in a relationship." Lisa said.

"But grandma, soon we will be..." I said a d receives a punch from Lisa.

Grandma Sung smiled on us.

"You guys, deserves each other." She said and face the windows.

Me and Lisa look at each other and smile.

"Were lucky cause were seatmates." She said.

"Im lucky cause I have you." I said.

"Yahhh! Kookie stop with that cheesy words." She said blushing.

"Yahhh! Its not cheesy!" I said and we both laughed.

Jennie Noona is in the front part of the plane while Taehyung hyung is in her back. While Jisoo Noona and Jin Hyung is in the middle, same line but they are both in the end chair with a five people in their middle, Rosé Noona and Jimin Hyung is at the last part of the airplane and they are seated very apart. Like north to south. Thinking of them at that situation reminds me of how lucky I am. But our rapper line is just one seat apart from each other.

Lisa leaned his head in my shoulder, I got shocked but I just let her sleep, I know how tired she is.

I want to sleep also but I remember the notification earlier.

So I checked my private IG account and seems like, YG posted the date of our collaboration release.

But seeing the comments, I know they are confuse right now.

ExolxBlinks: I thought they have dating ban?
TwiceuxBangtan: They are not allowed, right? They are on their dating ban.
BTSXBLACKPINK: Guys its a collaboration, not an dating issue.
Ringmomoringfan: Those girls, sucks!
Lalisafighter: Watch your words! Ringmomoringfan!
MomolandNancyXJungkook: Flirt Lalisa!
LiskookShipper: Duh! Your maknae Nancy has nothing to say about our maknae Lalisa!!!
BlackBangtan: Royal and Golden Maknaes! King and Queens!

Yeah, blackpink has their dating ban, but its just us who are they allowed to have a collaboration with, we are the only boy group who can have a collaboration with them.

Wanna know why?

Cause our groups has the biggest impact in this industry, in the third generation, that's why our companies are giving us this kind of stuffs.

For sure. After this many girl groups or boy groups will offer a collaboration with us. And such idols who'll try to flirt with us.

But sorry, our hearts belong to them.

My heart, belongs to her and I'll take care of her. Forever.

I'll keep what's grandma Sung said to me.

(A/N: Yeorubun! Just to remind you all! This is just a fanfiction okay? Don't be get too afected by those nicknames I used in IG comment thingy. Don't take it seriously, for those ONCE, EXO-L, MERRIES. Don't take it seriously. THANKS CHU)

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