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Imagine Kili eating a bad mushroom and hallucinates, seeing you as a fairy princess. After awakening, he continues to call you his princess.

The Company was just passing through the ends of the shire when Thorin decided it was time for a break, Hoping off the Pony, you stretched your arms and legs out, grateful for the small break. You hated riding with a passion and once you brushed out your pony, you sat against a tree, closing your eyes for a moment. That was, until a familiar voice called out in excitement .

"Mushrooms!" Bofur hollered, making your eyes open in an instant. You frowned, recalling the fungi in the shire and which were okay to eat and which were not. Before you could make your voice known, half the company had started popping the raw fungi in their mouths. All you could do was drop your jaw in shock, completely and utterly bewildered by the behavior.

"Uhh guys?" You finally said, finding your voice. They all looked up and over to you. You gulped and sighed. "Those aren't good mushrooms to eat." You finally manage out, watching the looks on most of their faces. Some started to panic and started to spit whatever was left in their mouths, the rest shrugging and swallowing. Groaning, you shake your head at them and mumbled "If you hallucinate, don't come crying to me," before closing your eyes again.

It was roughly 30 minutes later before you left a body plop on the ground next to you. You opened your eyes, knowing that if they were to start hallucinating, it would be any minute. Looking to who sat down next to you, you noticed it was the dark haired prince, his eyes starting to glaze over. You knew that look, the mushrooms were doing the job and he was starting to hallucinate.

"Hey Ki, you feeling okay?" You softly asked him, knowing that one small thing could turn a good trip, into a bad one. He looks at you with wide eyes, like he's just seeing you for the first time. Slowly he nods, keeping his eyes directly on you, or behind you.. You weren't fully sure. "Kili?" You said again, making his eyes snap to yours. He just starts smiling brightly and then turns toward the others.

"Hey guys!" He calls out, still smiling brightly. "I think (Y/N) is a fairy." All you could do was not choke on your own spit as those words came out of his mouth. You stared at him with wide eyes. 'Those mushrooms are giving him visuals' you thought to yourself, surprised. He then turns to look at you again and smiles brightly. "Are you a fairy (Y/N)? Cause you look like a fairy princess. Are you?" He asked you, looking at you with those wide eyes again. Laughing softly, you shake your head at the prince who's smiled dropped. "You're not a fairy princess?" He whispered, like it was the most devastating thing he'd ever heard. Realizing he could slip into a bad trip, you immediately start back peddling.

"No Kili, that's not what I meant." You said, trying to ease the prince. "If you see me as a fairy princess, then I'm a fairy princess." You could hear some of the dwarves start to snicker, causing you to throw a glare to them. Kili looks at you and smiles brightly, seeming satisfied with your answer. "Maybe you should go lay down Ki." You whisper, standing up, pulling the tripping prince up along with you. You pull him gently to his bedroll, thankfully that was already in place. He doesn't protest, just falling along with you, smiling like a little kid in the candy store. You couldn't help but chuckle at his expression. It was always nice to see people happy and relaxed but you knew now was neither the time nor place to be hallucinating on mushrooms.

"(Y/N, I don't wanna go to bed though, I want to keep watching you. You're so pretty." He mumbles to you as you get him into a laying position. You just roll your eyes and smile down at him. Even though he said he didn't want to, the moment his head hit the ground, he was out like a light. Smiling softly at the silly prince, you shook your head before checking on the other dwarves who had eaten the 'shrooms. Once everyone was comfortable and sleeping, you passed out finally, not knowing that the memories of this night would be remembered.

Morning came to quickly in your opinion. You got up slowly, and started helping Bombur prepare breakfast, knowing the mushrooms from the previous night would make the dwarves hungry. Slowly, one by one the dwarves woke up and you dished them some breakfast, giving extra to those who needed it. Finally, Kili came walking over, his head in his hands. Your smile turning into a frown, you got Kili's breakfast dished up and made your way to meet him.

"You okay Ki?" You asked while handing him the bowl. He looked up at you before nodding and taking the food, walking over to his brother. Shrugging, you walked back over to the fire and dished yourself up some breakfast before it was gone.

"Hey princess!" you hear from across the camp. You snapped your head up, looking confused, only to see Kili and Fili with matching grins. Your face fell. He remembered last night. It took everything in you to not throw your plate at the grinning brothers. You just rolled your eyes and went back to eating. Before long, you saw a shadow covering your bowl and you looked up to see a smiling Kili. "Princess, aren't you gonna acknowledge me?" He said as he sat down next to you. You snorted and smiled softly to the prince.

"I will but why are you calling me princess?" You replied, trying to pry out how much he remembered from last night. He smiled brightly at your words and you felt your stomach drop.

"Well because you are a princess. In my eyes anyway." Kili said, giving you a bright smile and a wink, before kissing your cheek and jumping up, going along to get everything ready to continue traveling. You just sat there with wide eyes, trying to comprehend what just conspired.

As the weeks continued, Kili did everything he could to call you princess instead of your actual name and even when he did, it was always after that damned title. It made all of the company snicker but none would go along with Kili's new nickname, something you were grateful for.

As the company started to set up for camp, you heard the distinct call of Kili's voice, along with his new name for you. You sigh and look over to him as he walked over to you smiling brightly. He stood right next to you and you finally had enough and grabbed him by his coat.

"Call me Princess one more time Kili, I dare you." You growl out, inching your face closer to him, making sure he got the point. Apparently he didn't. Or he had a death wish. One of the two because that smug smirk got worse as he inched himself closer, whispering one word before closing the distance between the two of you, placing his lips on yours.


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