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A/N: its been a while guys and I truly apologize for leaving this quiet for so long. Chaos happened and it wasn't at all fun. But I got an inspiration bug and I'm back baby!

This was written actually for a Facebook group writing group I'm in and the prompt was as follows:
Write a fanfic from any fandom with these words
"A concert, leather jacket and a shy girl"
So all of a sudden I thought of this and got to work. I hope you all enjoy!


Roxanne ran her hands through her hair, taking a deep breath in through her nose, letting the air rush out of her mouth. With shaky hands, she clicked "pay now" on her laptop, sighing when the next screen popped up with "Payment accepted".
'Guess I can't back out now' Roxanne thought to herself as she looked at the poster next to her bed, nervous but excited to finally see Hayley Williams and Paramore in concert. 'Tomorrow can't come quick enough' she thought as she laid down on her bed. Closing her eyes, she dreamed of the concert.

Standing in line, Roxanne began to fidget with the ends of her jacket, looking around nervously. She was never the extravert, always leaning more to the shy side but the thought of missing seeing her favorite band of all time gave her anxiety more than the crowds did.
Taking a deep reassuring breath, Roxanne took a quick look over the crowds, seeing the different types of people gathered.
Colorful hair, leather jackets and loud joyful voices met Roxanne's senses as she took a once over the crowd. She peered down at her own attire, hoping it wouldn't stand out. Since it was finally summer, Roxanne chose to wear her favorite tie-dye summer dress, simple purple leggings, flats and her trusty white jean jacket covering her shoulders. She decided to leave her shoulder length blonde hair alone, just giving it a simple brush before leaving, sure anything she tried to do with it would be dislodged during the concert.
Noticing the line was finally moving along, Roxanne kept to herself as people moved forward, slowly creeping to the front of the venue.
After what seemed like ages (20 minutes max), Roxanne finally walked into the venue and found her seat quickly. She wasn't sure how she managed to get such good seats, 2 days before the concert, but she wasn't going to look a gifted horse in the mouth.
Unsure of what to do with herself and a half hour before the concert began, Roxanne took a seat, taking her phone out to send a quick text to her friends, letting them know she got to the venue safe. Her friends all liked Paramore enough that they would have came with her, if they had they money. Roxanne had saved for months for just the ticket so she understood why her friends couldn't. If it wasn't for her last paycheck, she wouldn't be sitting there.
"'Scuse me" came a voice, startling Roxanne from her thoughts. She looked up and saw what she was sure was the most handsome man she had seen in her life. Blond hair tied back in braids, mustache done in intricate braids hanging from a gorgeous mouth. Roxanne immediately blushed at the thought process going on in her head and moved her legs closer to her body to allow the stranger to walk past. She averted her eyes, taking in his leather jacket as he moved passed. Her eyes followed still and widen when she noticed that he took a seat right next to her. "Hey Kili! We're over here!" He called out, waving a hand to someone down the aisle. Roxanne kept her knees in as a second man, just as handsome, but dark brown hair with braids walked passed, settling on the other side of the blond. They both flashed her a smile, causing her to flush bright red before giving a small, shy smile in return.
"Are you excited to see Hayley?" The brown haired Man, Kili, asked. Roxanne blinked a few times before she realized he was talking to her.
"Oh!" She blurted, startled. 'Curse this natural inability to converse with incredibly handsome men' she thought bitterly to herself . "Ye-yeah" Roxanne stuttered out, the blush darkening on her cheeks. She saw the handsome blond smirk slightly, causing an internal meltdown at both, how incredibly cute it looked and how embarrassed she was becoming. Trying to find more courage, Roxanne managed to squeak out "Paramore is my favorite band." Mentally, she patted herself on the back for managing a full sentence.
"Hey ours too!" Kili said with a grin, elbowing his friend. He continued to talk, obviously excited for the concert. Roxanne listened politely, being as shy as she was, she weren't sure how to respond so it seemed easier to just nod in the breaks of his speech, face still bright red.
Kilis constant chatting finally died away as the lights dimmed and the crowd becoming louder and louder as people realized the shows about to start, becoming more excited. The blond next to Roxanne leaned over and mumbled "I'm sorry about him. He's a chatter box when he gets excited." Feeling her face flush once again, Roxanne turned slightly to look at him and gave a small smile, unsure how to respond. Thankfully the lights dimmed completely and the opening band came onto to stage to start the show, saving her the embarrassment of trying to figure out a response.

Music was always the one thing that broke Roxanne out of her shell completely, turning a normally shy individual into someone who could feel confident without worry. It was always amazing what music could do to a person.
Once Paramore came out for their set, Roxanne felt giddy, getting more excited and relaxed as the concert continued. She wasn't sure how but she ended up in between the two handsome men sometime during the 2nd band. Yet, despite all her shy tendencies, Roxanne couldn't find it in her to care, letting the music work its way into her soul.
Dancing and singing along with the band and crowd was an addictive experience. One that Roxanne couldn't nor wouldn't break away from.
Screaming as loud as she could Roxanne, along with the rest of the crowd, cheered as Paramore finally came out on stage! She jumped slightly when she felt a body brush up behind her, blush returning when she saw the blond handsome stranger.
'I really want to find out his name before the end of the night' Roxanne thought to herself as she gave him a smile, the shyness creeping back for a moment. Turning back to face the front, Roxanne didn't see the blond bend down to her level.
"Are you enjoying the concert?" Hearing a voice that close to her ear made Roxanne jump again but she turned her head to look at the man and nodded, the smile coming back. She knew it was crazy that she was being more open but then again, that was the power of music.

As the concert progressed and Paramore did an encore set, Roxanne danced and sang her heart out, not caring if the others around her could hear or what they thought. She danced with Kili often but it was the blond haired man she danced with the most through the night, laughing and having the time of her life, that shy shell finally completely gone. Once the band said a final goodnight and the lights started to come on, Roxanne felt the giddiness wane but she took a deep breath in, letting herself take in the last few moments of pure happiness and excitement. She moved to grab her jacket that she had discarded earlier in the night but found the blond haired stranger holding it open for her.
"Thank you" Roxanne said, feeling her cheeks flush farther. She slipped her arms Into the sleeves, smiling softly to herself as she felt him smooth the jacket onto her shoulders.
"Can I Walk you to your car?" He said, leaning to talk into her in her ear, the noise in the venue still above average as concertgoers prepare to head home. Roxanne blushed deeper, and bit her lip out of nerves. She knew she probably shouldn't but she did part in a brightly lit area and there was still plenty of people around. Roxanne nodded her head, turning to look at him. The handsome man gave her a blinding slime and grabbed his jacket as well before escorting her out of the venue, keeping a hand on the small of her back to guide and ground her.
'I feel positive my face will forever stay this red' Roxanne thought as she walked, careful not to bump into too many people as she made her way out with her new companion.
As they made their way to the parking lot, Roxanne noticed Kili was a few steps behind and still singing the last song Paramore had played. She smiled softly to herself, glad he was still enjoying the rush of the concert. Looking up at the blond next to her, she blushed when she noticed he was looking at her with a soft smile.
"I'm guessing you had a blast?" He asked, grinning more when he noticed the blush deepen on Roxanne's cheeks. She nodded, unable to find her voice with his full attention on her. Turning a corner, she pointed out her car, a cute older Honda Civic
"That's my car.. Thank you for walking me back. I really did have fun tonight. I'm just not really much of a talker." Roxanne managed to squeak out as they neared her car. They stopped at the corner of car and she turned to smile at both of them. "I know the towns large but maybe we'll run into each other again." She didn't know what had come over her to say this but she knew it was true. She really did hope she saw them again sometime. At least, she wouldn't mind seeing the blond again.
"It's a small world though! It was great partying with you" Kili said as he started to walk back, waving his hand as a farewell,"Come on Fee, we gotta get going" .
"I'll be there in a sec Kee" the blond said, turning to wave him away. He turned back to look at Roxanne and smirked. "I must say I do agree with my brother. It is a small world. But it would be easier to just ask you for your number so maybe we could get coffee?" He asked, eyebrows raising slightly, hope sparking in his eyes. Roxanne flushed red but nodded, grabbing her phone and opening it to add a new contact. The handsome man snagged the phone as soon as she had it unlocked and quickly put in his number and saving it before she could get a look at the name.
He leaned in close while handing it back to her. "Before I hand this back to you, What's your name?" He was so close to your face now.
"Ro-Roxanne" came the whispered response, pulled from her lips without thought. He smirked again, sliding the phone into her palm.
"Beautiful" he whispered, leaning ever so closer. "I'm Fili" was all he uttered before placing his lips gently on hers.


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