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Imagine nicknaming Bofur "Jimmy"

"Hey Jimmy! I like your hat!" You said, grinning at the hatted dwarf everyone else called Bofur. You however, called him Jimmy. The reason? He just looked like a Jimmy to you. You had fallen into middle-earth a couple of months ago and after a week of being with the company, you had started to call the funny dwarf Jimmy. It irked him to no end. Kept asking why you would call him Jimmy, sitting during dinners trying to get you to pronounce his name. But no matter what, you refused to call him by his given name.

"Lass, Why ya gotta call me Jimmy all the time? It's getting old." He said. For the first week he went along with it, but as time went on and the longer you kept it going, the more irritated he became. Which was uncommon for the normally happy dwarf.

"Oh Jimmy. Its simple. You remind me of a Jimmy." You said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, giving him a bright smile. He just shook his head and let it drop for the day. The other dwarves had also asked you why you kept calling him that name but you just smiled and said the same thing you told Bofur every day.

The truth was, all the Jimmy's you met in your life, they were always nice and caring and sweet, just like Bofur and you determined that if you ever had met Bofur in your own world, you would have named him Jimmy again. It just fit him. The other truth was that you had developed a crush on the hatted dwarf and you knew if you said his given name, everyone would know. And that was something you just didn't want to deal with just yet.

The day went quickly and the Company was setting up camp for the night. Dinner had been served and everyone was relaxing by the fire with full bellies. Bofur was playing a beautiful tune on his flute, lulling you into a bliss like trance as you absorbed the music. You were almost asleep when the music stopped and a voice invaded your thoughts.

"Lass?" Bofur was looking at you with soft eyes and a small smile on his lips. You just looked up at him in awe for a moment before shaking your head mentally to clear your thoughts. "Can I have a word?" He asked, looking down. You felt bad and stood up, grabbing his hand to have him follow you. You had a feeling he would want privacy.

"What's up Jimmy?" You said once you were far enough away from prying eyes. He looked at you sadly this time, a rare frown gracing his face. Your heart clenched seeing this, wanting more then anything to change that look.

"Please lass, I'm beggin' ya. Please call me by me real name. I just want to hear it once." He all but pleaded to you. Your heart broke hearing his plea and decided it was time to finally acknowledge the feelings you had for Bofur.

"Bofur.." You whisper his name, watching his eyes light up at hearing his name fall from your lips. "I'm sorry I called you Jimmy so much. Its just.. Your caring nature and loving and funny moods reminded me of the Jimmy's I knew back home. They all were like you in a way and it just made me feel a little closer. " You admit to him, keeping your eyes locked onto his. "But there's another reason." You said as you stepped closer, grabbing his hands gently, watching his reactions. They all seemed positive, for now. "I was afraid everyone would find out." You whisper, standing even closer.

"Afraid of what lass?" Bofur asked, his eyes shinning in the night light, slowly bring his head closer to yours.

"That I've fallen in love with you." You whisper as your lips touch for the first time in a slow kiss. Bofur brings you closer, wrapping his arms around you, bringing one hand to your hair, the other around your waist. You pull apart, resting your foreheads against each other.

"I've fallen for you as well Lass, even with that cursed nickname." He said with a smile. "But I want to hear just my name from now on. Got that lass?" He whispered, pulling you in for another set of kisses. Giggling, you pull away from the kisses and smile brightly.

"Of course. Jimmithy." Laughing brightly, you run back to camp, hearing Bofur yelling behind you.

A/N: So I saw this and knew I HAD to write this. My dad's nickname was Jimmy. I was half tempted to write this as a more fatherly feel because of that but I love Bofur too much man. Unfortunately my father passed away when I was four years old so I don't have many memories of him. But I'd like to think that my dad was a good overall type of person, just like Bofur.

And if anyone gets the reference at the end, you're amazing.

To those who don't know; The Office (US version)

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