Face Cleaning

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Found this imagine on Tumblr. Immediately had to write this out. I found it incredibly cute.

"Imagine wearing a skin-care type face mask around the Company and them being confused about what the hell is on your face."

As the company got ready for the evening, you did your part of helping with chores before you went to your bedroll to relax and get yourself ready for the night. You decided that after 3 days of walking, you desperately needed to clean your face. Thankfully you had created something not long ago specifically to clean your face more effectively.
You smiled to yourself as you pulled out a jar of charcoal mix you had created to help clean your face. Pulling out a small hand mirror, you set it up against your bedroll and got to work smearing the mixture on your face, not paying attention to the group you were with.

"What is she doing?" "What is that she's putting on her face?" "Is it even safe??"

Muttering could be heard from across the fire and the company of Throin Oakenshield was mighty confused. The all watched as you put the mixture on your face. One dwarf decided to get answers from his favorite Hobbit Lass.

"Lass?" You heard next to you, causing you to jump. You turned your head to look at Bofur and smiled softly. "What are ya doing?"
"Hiya Bofur. Just getting myself ready for the night." You said with a smile as you turned back to the mirror and continued to put the mixture on. Once it was fully covering your face, minus the eyes and mouth, you started to put everything back, letting the mixture harden before you removed it.

"Aye, I can see that. But what is on yer face?" He asked, watching the black paste loose it's color and turn to gray.

"Oh! It's a Face mask I created to help clean my face. It's charcoal and clay with some honey and a touch of water. Plus a small flower of lavender to help with the smell. It seems to really help keep my face clean." You explain, trying not to smile as to not ruin the mask. Bofur nodded to himself and ran back to the company to explain. You snorted as you watched him leave, trying not to laugh. 'Silly dwarves' you thought to yourself.

You watched Bofur as he explained to the rest of the company what was on your face and a few of the dwarves came over to inspect the weird paste on your face.

"So how does it help clean your face (Y/N)?" Balin asked as he inspected your face.

"The charcoal gets deep in the pores and pulls out dirt and blackheads out"

"What the hell are blackheads?" Fili asked as he walked closer. You roll your eyes and grabbed your mirror from your bag again and shoved in into his hands. You then moved his hands so the mirror was in front of his face so Fili was staring at himself.

"See all those little black dots? Blackheads" you explain, pointing to his nose where it was covered in little black dots. "Everyone gets them. Some more than others. But they block your pores and isn't healthy for the skin." You finished your explanation and turned the mirror around in Fili's hand and lowered his hands so it lined perfectly with your face.

Grabbing a towel and wetting it with your water skin, you got started on removing the mask. Lightly dabbing the cloth over your face, you grab the mask from the bottom and slowly worked it to the top of your face, pulling it completely off. Looking at the side that was touching your face, you made a disgusted face and turned it over to show the dwarves. The mask was covered in dust and dirt and loads of blackheads. "This is why I do this." You said as you rolled it into a ball and threw it in the fire.

All the dwarves stared at you with wide eyes before Kili jumped up and ran to you.

"Can you do that for my face?"


Short but I thought it was sweet.

Also: Thank you all for reading this book. It's at 500 reads and I honestly never expected to even get that many reads.
Hopefully I'll be able to keep finding good inspirations to write.

I do take suggestions and will do my hardest to write requests!

Until next time!

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