Drunken Escapades

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(A/N:) Oh goodness. This was kinda fun to write. I need to give a quick explanation for how this even came about. Because this is honestly how I've been feeling around alcoholics lately.
My husband and I have been sending a lot of time with a glassblower in the town we just recently moved to and they drink. Heavily. We're both over the age of 21 so no underage drinking here! (Please guys, don't drink under the age and please, never drink and drive. Like ever.)
And when they get drunk, a lot of stupid stuff occurs and good lord do I lose my patience and my mind.
But we were sitting there the other night and they kept pushing me to drink, which I do not drink. Period. And for some reason, I had to make it into a oneshot featuring our favorite company!
So I hope you enjoy!


     Being around a bunch of drunk men, you were used too. Being around a bunch of drunk dwarves, that was a new situation for you all together. They seemed to be more rambunctious then the race of men that you were used to living in Bree. Currently, you started to question on why you decided to join this band of dwarves. Moreover, you questioned your friendship with the cunning grey wizard.
     You stumbled across the mysterious group of dwarves in the fields near the shire. You were minding your own business, resting against a tree when the noticeable sounds of clomps of hooves animals on ground, causing you to lift your head in curiosity. You watched as dwarf after dwarf sitting upon ponies made their way. It was after around 5 dwarves did you recognize someone from your hometown. Gandalf the Grey made his way past your spot and immediately, you jumped up, rushing towards Gandalf. Perhaps not your smartest move. After reassuring the dwarves you were no threat, Gandalf spoke of your friendship with the wizard and decided to include you on the journey.

       Now a little more then a month into the journey, you found yourself in Rivendell. You had always dreamed of visiting the Elves but now you finally were there and you couldn't be happier. But as the night grew, the dwarves found themselves more comfortable and eventually found the alcohol.

     "Lassie!" You heard behind you, causing a grimace to appear on your face before schooling them into a calm facade and turning to face the drunken dwarves looking up at you with grins. You faked a small smile and raised an eyebrow. "Does ya wants a drink?!" came the half slurred voice of Bofur, looking up at you with a hopeful expression.
     You groan softly before shaking your head, knowing this was going to be a long night of arguing with drunkerds. "I'm pretty sure we already talked about this subject Master Dwarf. I'm not fond of drinking anything other then water." You repeat your words you've been saying for a week. Almost nightly, the dwarves of Erbor would ask if you wanted a drink, regardless if they had any or not. Personally you thought they were trying to break your resolve on refusing to drink but you would stand strong. Dwarves weren't the only stubborn folk around.

       "Come on (Y/N)! Your such a party pooper!" Kili yelled from his spot on the ground, causing you to roll your eyes.
     "And if I am dear Kili?" You respond. "There's nothing wrong with not drinking you know. Maybe I just don't like the taste. Or how it effects me." You explained to the drunk dwarves. But it went through deaf ears as Nori and Dwalin stagger up to you, each holding a second tankard in their hands, pushing it towards you. You roll your eyes and shake your head once again. "Nope."

      "Just one lass." Dwalin said, pushing his second tankard closer to you, expecting you to grab it. You did, but only to place it on the table behind you. Dwalin just groaned and took a long swig of his tankard he was still holding before reaching behind you to grab the one you discarded and chugging that one in a matter of seconds. "You sure you don't have any dwarf in you Lassie?" He squints at me as he asked his question, as if trying to see any dwarven features. You roll your eyes and shake your head at the remark.

      "You know just as well as I, Master dwarf," You start to say, walking around the drunk warrior. "I was born and raised in Bree. No dwarf blood anywhere in my family." You end up walking into Thorin's back as you talked, paying more attention to Dwalin then your surroundings. You groan softly as Thorin turned around, one hand grasping a tankard while the other coming to grasp your shoulder to help steady him. Even this mighty dwarf was plastered.

      "Do I need to command you to drink (Y/N)?" Thorin asked, giving you a hard look. Not being able to help yourself, you rolled your eyes at the king before shaking your head, once again. You were sure you would end up with a minor case of whiplash by the nights end.

     "No you don't Thorin." You say, ducking from under his arms, slowly backing toward an open doorway. "I just... uh..." you look behind you to make sure no one was blocking your way before figuring out a believable lie. "I just need to go freshen up and change into my comfortable clothes." Your excuse was crap and you knew it. But you were hoping that it was good enough and that the dwarves were drunk enough that it wouldn't matter and that they would forget.

      Quickly making your way down the hall, you turned a corner and slumped up against the wall. Thinking back, it wasn't even that bad of an encounter but it was definitely something you wished to avoid in the future. Dealing with drunkards was never fun for someone like you.

     "Lass?" You heard called behind you and immediately, you jumped from the wall hurrying quickly to your room Lord Elrond provided and slide inside. Sighing you leaned against the door and slid down. Hoping to hide in here was your best bet to keep away from the dwarves.

      An hour later, you found yourself back out with the dwarves, watching as they try to wrestle with each other. Having been forced from your room, you watched with disdain. Nori had broken in your door after around 45 minutes of you ignoring him pounding on the wood. Sighing softly, you looked to each dwarf around you, noticing them in different states of drunkenness. Most where plastered, while others (Balin) were only slightly drunk, remembering to keep some composure. But each dwarf had a smile gracing their faces, causing you to have a small smile grace your lips, happy to see the company finally relaxed for the first time since you met them. At least no one offered you anymore drinks.

      In the end, you were grateful for Gandalf for forcing you to join the company of dwarves, even if they weren't too good for your sanity.

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