Birthday Party

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A/N:Was Originally going to be a book but decided it would be better as a one shot, so I deleted the book and just put it on here.


"Lily, I need you to do me a favor." I heard come from the other room. I frowned and poked my head out to see my sister getting her daughter dressed. I smiled at my niece and walked over to her, causing her to start smiling and giggling.

"If it involves taking Rose anywhere, count me in." I said, taking the squirming 11 months old from her mother and held her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Taking care of my niece was my favorite thing in the world. I truly loved this little girl and would kill to protect her.

"I need you to run to the toy makers and see if my order is finished. It's for Rose's birthday next week." Miranda said while taking her daughter back so she could feed her. I smile brightly and nodded, running back into my room to get changed. I always loved walking to Erebor now that it was restored. It was simply beautiful and always took my breath away at the designs carved everywhere.

Changing into a simple green dress and boots, I walked over to the mirror and gabbed a brush to start untangling the mess I call hair. I looked at my reflection as I brushed and smiled. I was always told I was as pretty as an elf with my long straight red hair and bright green eyes but many thoughts of my as ugly do to my freckles covering my face. I truly loved them, although it took me a long time to accept them. Once I was finished brushing my hair I grabbed a cloak and went back to my sister and niece.

"Here's the money for the toy and a little extra for his time. I also gave you a little extra for yourself if you see anything you like in Erebor. I know you've been wanting a new writing book." My sister told me as she handed me the money bag. I smiled and nodded, giving her a hug and gave my niece a quick kiss on the forehead and made my way to the door, glad to be out and about on a beautiful autumn day.

It took about an hour but I was finally at the gates and was allowed in, the guards remembering me from when I helped clean and repair the mountain. Dain gave me and my family permission to come and go from Erebor as we pleased and even gave my parents a home in the mountain. Once the war was over and King Thorin and the prince's were buried, Erebor was in desperate need of repairs. The people in Dale all focused on cleaning and repairing the once great city while the dwarves focused on the mountain. It was an easy system but then Dale was finished before Erebor and not many of the people were willing to go to Erebor and help. I was more then willing to go help the dwarves and brought along my sister and father, knowing they would help. Out of all the citizens of Dale, only us and King Bard showed any effort in helping the dwarves rebuild their home.

As I made my way to the toy shop, I got stopped by plenty of dwarves I had met when I was helping, asking how I was doing and all the niceties. I rarely came down to the mountain anymore, helping my sister more often then not, and so when I did, everyone wanted to catch up. I had finally gotten to the toy shop and sighed in relief. I said my goodbyes to which ever dwarf I was talking to and went in, hearing the bell chime softly.

"Be there in a minute." I heard come from the back. I smiled and decided to look at the toys and games that lined the walls of the shop. I was truly impressed with the work and was so focused on looking at a toy I didn't hear anyone come up behind me.

"Ya takin a likin to that one?" I heard behind me and I nearly jumped out of my skin and turned around to look at the dwarf. I blinked and let out a laugh.

"Bofur! I didn't know you ran the toy shop!" I said, giving the dwarf a hug. I had met the goofy toy maker after the war when I was helping take care of the wounded. He had brought his cousin in once all the fight was done and explained that the axe that was normally in his head was now out. I remember looking over the dwarf and was surprised to see nothing was wrong with him and decided to just wrap the wound up so it didn't get infected. That was just my first encounter with the dwarf. I had run into him while I was helping in Erebor with the repairs and he was surprised to see me there but his smile got even larger. The next time was when Dain made an announcement that my family were honored guests in Erebor and were allowed to stay. He looked upset when I told him my sister and I were going to stay in Dale but I made him promise to keep an eye on my parents for me.

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