Blood Vessel

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(A/N: So a few months ago I had a major blood vessel pop and my husband and literally EVERYONE I knew freaked the hell out when they saw me and it just made me think of how the company would react if they saw it happen.
Gonna admit, not my best one but also not my worst in my opinion anyway. Well! Enjoy!)

Imagine you appeared in middle earth and you've been traveling with the company of Thorin Oakenshield and while on the journey, you had a blood vessel pop in your eye and while you didn't notice, the company did and everyone freaked out.

It's been three weeks since you appeared in Middle-Earth. You still had no idea how it happened or why it happened but all you did know, was you were stuck with 13 dwarves, a hobbit and a wizard for company and it was driving your patience to the ground. Typically you were one of the most patient people out there, but around this group, they pushed buttons you didn't even know you had and it was slowly driving you insane.
After a long day of being captured by trolls, ran down by orcs and finding a secret tunnel that lead to Rivendell, you were more then excited to relax properly. After a very entertaining dinner, including Bofur jumping on the table and singing, you bid everyone a goodnight and went to the room Lord Elrond provided. You immediately got undressed and slipped into the bed, grateful for the bed and a decent night sleep to come.
The next morning, you were in an extremely good mood from the peaceful sleep and once dressed, you made your way to where the rest of the company was staying. Saying a greeting to the company, you grabbed some fruit that was on a platter and sat next to Bofur who was still trying to fully wake up.
"Sleep well?" You asked the group, a smile on your face. The others just looked at you strangely, never seeing you in a good mood in the morning seemed to weird them out. Gloin Judy mumbled at me and looked up and then his mouth dropped open.
"Lass.. are you okay?" He asked, apparently he had woken fully up after looking at you. Frowning, you nod, unsure why he would be asking that. It wasn't that weird you were in a good mood.
"Of course Mr. Gloin. Why wouldn't I be? I had a fantastic night of sleep and didn't hear a single snore." You said with a smile, being cheeky about the snoring. It didn't bother you all that much truthfully, but you just liked giving them sass every once in a while.
Apparently though, Gloins concern started going to the others as they all looked at you Balin and Oin finally came up to you and looked me in the eyes when Oin gasped.
"Lassie, your eye. It's..." Oin started, his expression turning to serious concern. You frown slightly and pull out your compact that managed to make it with. Opening it quickly and bringing it your left eye, You didn't see anything abnormal and then moved to the right and saw just red covering what was supposed to be all white. You just closed my compact without a word and smiled at them, causing them to start freaking out.
"Oi! Calm down you fools!" You snap at the company, all of them now asking what was happening and starting to really get on my patience. "I just had a blood vessel pop. It's really no big deal." You said calmly, looking at each of the dwarves.
"Doesn't it hurt?"
"How did it happened?"
"She's blind!!! She can't see through all that blood!"
All the dwarves started speaking and asking questions at once. You glared at Kili who assumed you were blinded.
"Guys! Seriously. This really nothing. Sometimes under stress, a blood vessel will pop and cause your eye to go red. It can be caused by even sneezing to hard. It probably happened last night after all the craziness we went through!" You finally had enough and snapped. "No, I'm not blind. No it doesn't hurt. It'll go away on it's own. Please, for all that is mighty, do not make a big deal out of this. I know you're concerned and I do appreciate it but it's not the first time this has happened." You finish, calming down as you talked. You're good mood has switched and now you were just tired again.
Thorin came up to you and grabbed your chin and made you look up at him. You didn't fight, knowing his grip would be stronger and he looked at your red eye and his frown that was always present on his face went even farther down, if that was even possible.
"Are you sure it won't effect anything?" Thorin asked, my head still in his grip. You tired to nod but was difficult with his hand under your chin, you just mumbled out a soft "Yes". He nodded and let your chin go and walked back to his spot.
"Now! Since that's taken care of, what are we doing today!" You asked, looking around the company with a soft smile.

(A/N: Sorry it was so short. This was just something quick I did and honestly just couldn't think of where else to go.
If you guys ever want a second part to any of my stuff, please let me know! I never know if I should do a second part for most things or not so please let me know!)

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