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Imagine: Sketching a sleeping Bofur on watch and catching him rummaging through your stuff the next day to figure out what you had been doing.

It was halfway through your watch, when an idea suddenly popped into your mind. It's been awhile since you had drawn anything and looking at all the sleeping dwarves, you finally knew what to draw. Slowly getting up, you make your way to your bag, grabbing the notebook and charcoal before making your way back to the spot you claimed for watch. Snickering lightly, you looked around at all the sleeping faces of the company, trying to decide who you would draw first. Noticing one particular dwarf slightly away from the rest of the group, you smiled softly before setting your mind to drawing out the details.

An hour had passed before you stopped your hand, looking down at the drawing with a smile. Double-checking you had all the details right, your smile widened before you closed the notebook and got up to wake Kili and Fili, who was next on watch. They noticed your notebook in your hand and you just shook your head at them before they could pose any questions. You didn't want anyone to know you spent most of the watch drawing your favorite dwarf. Going to your bag and bedroll, you slipped your notebook into your bag before flopping on your furs and drifting to a peaceful slumber.

The sun was just starting to make itself known when you slowly opened your eyes, unsure what had caused you to awake so suddenly. You looked around the camp to see most of the dwarves were still sleeping, seeing only Bifur on watch. You gave him a small wave before deciding to try and sleep a little longer. That was, until you turned your head to your left, where you left your bag. Blinking a few times, you noticed it wasn't there and you frown. 'I swore I put it right next to me.' You thought, your frown deepening. You look over to Bifur who noticed your startled expression. He looks around and points toward a couple of trees. You huffed but got up and walked to where the dwarf had pointed only to come across Bofur, sitting cross-legged shuffling through your bag.

"Bofur?! What are you doing?" You screech at the hatted dwarf, worried he came across your notebook and saw the drawing from last night. You didn't admit to anyone that you had a crush on the toymaker and you didn't want the possibility of ruining your friendship with the funny dwarf because of it. "Why are you going through my stuff?" You added, walking closer to him, your face flushed from embarrassment more then anger.

"I'm sorry Lass, Kili and Fili mentioned that you were acting odd when you woke them for watch and I wanted to see if the answer was in your bag." Bofur responded, looking down in embarrassment. You huffed and went closer to him, preparing to snatch your bag from him, when you noticed one small object sitting on his lap. Your notebook.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" You asked, snatching the bag up and the notebook off his lap. Normally you wouldn't act this way toward your favorite dwarf but panic and embarrassment was coursing through your tired vains and you were not thinking reasonably. You stuffed the notebook back into the bag quickly, doing everything you could to not look at Bofur.

"(Y/N)" Bofur whispered, standing up. "I didn't' mean to offend ya Lass. I was just concerned with how the boys where talking about it." He stepped closer, making your head snap up. "I must say though, you defiantly got the good side of me." He said with a cheeky smile, apparently unfazed that you had drawn him through the night. "Defiantly got the details of my hat just right." Taking a step closer to you, he gently grabbed your jaw and lifted it slowly so you were looking into his eye. "I think it's wonderful (Y/N)." He whispered before slowly closing the gap between you two, placing his lips softly on your own. Your mind went blank as you felt his soft lips press against yours and it took you a moment before you dropped your bag and started to kiss him back.

After a few moments, you both pull away, blushes covering your cheeks. "I'm sorry Lass, I shouldn't've done that." Bofur started to apologize for his behavior but you would have none of that. Instead, you grabbed the silly dwarf by his coat and pulled him in closer.

"I'm not." You whispered before settling your lips on his once again, feeling his arms come around you, pulling you close. Now you were glad you had decided to draw that picture.

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