Chapter 12: Bianca P.O.V Continued

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When I got to then trap it was 10:00 on the dot. I would have been here earlier but Marco was askin my ass all them questions.  I know that we got a thang goin on now but damn release my dick bhee. I had on my black all stars, some black leggins, a black crew neck with a gold hello kitty on it, and a black and gold snapback. No need for no jewelry or nun of that other shit. This was strictly business.  As I approached the door I gave the two guards, Big Boy and Kain,  a head nod and dap. When I finally walked inside everyone was here. Once everyone noticed me they all said they wuzups, some I'm real coo with came over to shake up with me, some just gave me a nod. 

My nigga Rio walked out from one of the back rooms dressed exactly like me but without the leggins.  "Ayy wuzup baby girl!" He said as he walled over to hug me. I've known Rio since I was lil. His grandma was like a sister to mine so we practically grew up together. He would always be there for me when I would run away from my mamas house. He the only person who really knows me and my life. I'm talking EVERYTHING about me, from when I got my first period all the way down to when I had my first time.  He was like a big brother, a fine ass big brother but nevertheless a brother.  I was glad to have him too because he was one person who never judged me. "Wuzup was yo watermelon head ass interrupted me while I was doing important shit! That was almost yo ass bruh." I said muggin the shit out of him. "You betta fix yo face or imma put these paws on you!" He said tryna sound like lil Scrappy. I couldn't even hold my mug no more because that shit was beyond funny. " Don't ev-" I was cut off by some irrelevant ass nigga. "Aye bitch! Didn't yo goof ass hear me say all workers to the back? Tf you still doin in here? I don't even give a fuck! Get yo ass to the back now and strip now!" I don't know what this nigga thought and honestly I don't give a fuck. But he messin with the right one today! "Apparently you don't know who you talking to BITCH." I spat back at him with venom in my voice.  "The fuck you just call me? Hoe I will-" His lil rant got cut short as I pulled out my UZI and aimed it right at him. "I can't hear you hoe! Where all that shit you was talkin now? Exactly what the fuck I thought! Bitch ass nigga." I yelled as I took my gun off safety. "We both know you ain't finna do shit with that. So how bout you stop puttin on a show and do what I told yo ass to do." He smirked as if challenging me. "Well you fucked with the right one today" I said as I shot him in the shoulder twice. 

"What the fuck going on out here?" Big yelled coming out his office. "This bitch wasn't doing what I told her and she shot me." The irrelevant ass nigga cried out. "Stop bitchin! You lucky I just shot yo ass and didn't kill you. Keep callin me out my name tho and imma have to go help yo mama pick out a new black dress." I said looking down at him. "Both of yall calm all that shit down. Lucky get yo ass up and stop actin like a bitch. She only popped you in the shoulder nigga. This not one of the baggas or nothing. This Karma she one of us. I sugguest you dont get on her bad side because lil ma dont hesitate to get in that ass and that disrespectful shit dont fly with her." He informed the goof ass nigga Inow know is named Lucky as he got up. Big then turned to me and said " I see that am got better. Nice. Anyways thats my lil cousin Lucky. Try not to kill that nigga because if you do thats my ass with my mama and aunt." I couldnt help but laugh. Big was one of the top niggas in the drug business. He was the only nigga my mama ever brought home that was cool as hell and didnt try anything with me. Once he found out how my mama was he stopped fuckin with her. He still kept in contact with me and Bre tho. He sort of like a big bro but at the same time dad figure. He didnt want me in the game at first but I convinced him to let me in. He knew if he didnt let me in I would find another way, so he preferred I be safe under his watch instead of out here with some goof ass niggas. Him and Rio the only ones that really know me like the back of they hands. Everyone else just know me from here. Thats why I go by Karma. We all know you never go by yo real name in this.....profession.

"You know how I am. I got you tho. Ill try to not kill him. Anyways lets go make this drop. I was right in the middle of- Nevermind lets just go." I said realizing I was finna tell him I was in the middle of gettin some. "The fuck? You was in the middle of what? Don't let me have fuck up these niggas out here." Big said gettin all big bro on me. Rio ass had to put his 2 cents in too talkin bout some "Hell yeah! These niggas betta slide bop! We dont play that shit! You not finna fuck with these Daquans out here!" He ass so goofy we were dyin. After I finally got them off my back, we got the duffle bags and headed out to do the drop.

*After The Drop*

The drop went smooth surprisingly. After we all went back to the trap and counted out the money, smoked, laughed, and joked. Now Rio taking me home because I still dont have a car. "So I know you not with yo mama no more. Where you stayin at and where Bre?" He asked breaking the silence. "I'm stayin with my friend Marco. He called right when shit was poppin off that night. Came, got rid of the body, and said it wasnt safe for us to be there so we could come stay with him. I agreed so we be there for a few days." I told him looking out the window. "Im sorry again B. I should have been there.I felt some shit wasnt right the whole time me and big was out in Cali." He said apologizing for the 100th time. I told both him and Big it was fine and they couldnt have known that was gone happen. They still feel guilty tho. "I told you its all good in the hood. You couldnt have known. Plus look at me? Im fine. Nothing happened to me nor Bre." I said attempting to reasure him. "If you say so...anyways you know im always here for yall. If you dont want to stay there you can always come to my crib." He said as we pulled up in front of Marco house. " I know. Thanks. Ill talk to you later on." I said as i leaned over and kissed his cheek before getting out his truck. " Love you ma." He said right before I was about to shut the door. "Love you too." I said shutting the door and walking away.

When I got in the house all the lights downstairs where off. As I walked up the stairs I noticed all the lights up there were off too. I figured maybe Marco was asleep, which would be a good thing because I don't want him asking me all them questions about where I ran off to. Once I finally made it to the top of the stairs, I walked towards our room and noticed the t.v. was on and he was sitting up on the bed flipping through channels. Damn! Damn! Damn! Here comes exactly what I didn't want. I walked in the room nonchalantly and headed right for the closet to change. Marco watched me from the time I came into the room until the time I got to the closet, and even though im in here im pretty sure he is still looking in this direction. I changed into a sports bra and some spanks and walked back into the room. Truthfully I was beyond tired because being in this business, taking care of Bri, and going to school wears me out! I climbed in the bed and laid down looking at the t.v. still not meeting his gaze. I felt his eyes burning into the side of my face. "So you gone act like you aint got no explaining to do?" He asked in a deadly calm tone. I looked over at him and kept my face emotionless, "I told you I had to handle some important business. It's not a big deal. I am sorry I messed up our night though. I promise I wil make it up to you." I said wrapping my arms around his waste and snuggling up closer to him. He pushed my arms from off him and said "So exactly what was this business? and who was that nigga who just dropped you off? Damn we haven't even been talkin that long and already you fuckin around on me? You tryna play me like a side nigga?" He threw me off with all them accusations but as I opened my mouth to speak he cut me off "You know what fuck it! I dont even wanna hear shit outta yo mouth right now." With that he got up and went downstairs. A few minutes later I heard the front door slam and I knew he was gone to do lord knows what with lords knows who.

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