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I'll keep this short and sweet so you can get on with what you're here for - my story.

Firstly I will say that this story does touch on a lot of issues and potential triggers including: child abuse, sexual assault, mental illness, suicide, and others. I in no way humanely possible condone child abuse or sympathize with abusers.

A lot of the views expressed in this work of fiction are not mine. Please take it with a grain of salt.

Every chapter is named after a song that I think goes with the events or feel of that chapter, or maybe was my inspiration for the chapter. So feel free to listen to the songs either before, after or during the chapter, and it might add an extra dimension to the chapter.

Also you may notice that I have a few .5 Chapters - these are chapters told from another character's POV. You can either read them as you go, or skip them and read them back at the end once you've finished the main story. I will also be adding some .5 Chapters in the future, but you can read the whole story without them and it all makes sense. I just think of them as little "Behind the Scenes" tidbits.

I am Australian and this story takes place in England; London to be precise. If any of the slang I use is incorrect please forgive me (blame Google), point out my ignorance with a helpful suggestion/alternative word/phrase to use and I shall make an amendment. I want my dialogue to be as accurate as I can, and it's something I will learn.

On the note of criticism, PLEASE COMMENT WITH ANY SORT OF IT - point out spelling mistakes, plot holes, grammatical errors, story inconsistency, character inconsistency, parts you did like and why and parts you didn't like and why. Seriously, I WANT TO KNOW. It is my goal to eventually have this work published, and to make that happen I want to improve the story and I hope you will help me by taking a few seconds/minutes to give me some feedback/criticism, even (especially) negative feedback.

If anything I've written is potentially insensitive or offensive please let me know and I will make adjustments. It's not my intention to come across like that and I've tried hard to navigate these sensitive topics that my story covers with respect and accuracy - if I have failed at that in anyway please accept my sincerest apologies and let me know so I can alter my writing so as not to perpetuate offensive/inaccurate/negative stereotypes or tropes. I'm learning more about the world and the people in it everyday and I will edit this work sporadically to reflect that the best I can.

Thank you for reading, now I hope you enjoy my story.

- Jaymie

PS. I got this cover photo off the internet, I do not know who took the photo - mostly because it is all in Turkish and I love their bread but do not know the language. If you happen to know who to give credit to let me know. In the meantime here is my Google Images link:

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