Chapter 2

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3rd June 2009

The day was about to begin. The birds were singing. Sunlight pierced through the darkness. The light was becoming brighter moment by moment. I was conscious but I didn’t want to open my eyes. I didn’t want to start the day. The clothes that I wore yesterday were strewn across the floor. I was wearing my favourite dress the previous day. What did I do the previous day to make me feel worn out so completely? My eyes hurt to open. I snuggled into my pillow hoping to sleep a little more but my desire to sleep longer was shattered in a moment.

The sound which I heard broke the peace of the morning was the shrill ring of my alarm. It had been one of my favourite tones but now I just get irritated when I hear it. To put it simply, it had become a mere noise to my ears. My eyelids were still heavy with sleep. I had to wake up but my body was not listening to my mind. All I wanted was just little more sleep.


The voice was accompanied by a bang on my door. My eyes flew open. It was my mother’s voice sweet to hear even though it was loud.

“If you don’t wake up now, then you will miss the first day of your high school Kong, WAKE UP”, my mom said.

I got out of bed rather reluctantly, pushing back my warm blanket.

It’s hard to go to high school. People say that as time passes we will begin to like the place and the work we do but that theory does not work for me even after twelve year. I had only one friend in all those years Rome and still he is a good friend of mine. We don’t step into each other boundary and we both were comfortable with that.

Now moving back again to be invisible. I was neither a bright student nor a goddess of beauty to make everyone notice me. What was I good at to make others notice me? Well, I don’t know the answer for that no matter how many times I ask myself. Thinking about it was not going to help me be excellent in something. Neither is it going to help me to get rid of my uneasiness. It would only make it worse. So I just pushed away the negative thoughts that came to my mind. No matter how my past life was I just had to put thing aside and move on.

For now, all I had to do was to get up from the bed and get ready. It was almost 8 O' clock before I was ready to leave. My father wanted to drop me to school for this new beginning but somehow I convinced him not to. I had to travel three kilometers to reach my school. I started my scooty and began.

As I accelerated my bike things passed by me like a blur. I like the rush of wind against my face. I like the way the air touched my skin. I like the way it makes me feels. I get Goosebumps all over my arms. It just makes me feel that I have the wings of a sparrow. I always think of how good it will be if life passes us by fast, in a flash! We don’t remember what we have passed through, the hurdles which we have crossed. We just reach the place we wanted to reach in the time that we need to. It would be simple feeding my thoughts. I reached the school on time.

I entered the school thinking about the chaos that I was going to face but to surprise it was calm. There was no one near the notice board. I thanked god for it and looked at the display. My name was in the A class list. The class was almost filled when I entered. There was only one place left that was the third bench corner seat. I had no other go. I had to sit there. I moved past the benches and sat there.

As soon as I settled down, I glanced at my classmates. I didn’t know most of them except for four people. Other people looked familiar but I could not recollect their names. There were only fifteen boys and remaining were girls. I noticed that my class was opposite to seniors’ class room. My class advisor entered the classroom. She introduced herself and asked us to talk about ourselves. .

High school diary of Beam (Forthbeam  version Completed)Where stories live. Discover now