The Final Chapter that's Written

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(Without POV's)

The young ducks all awoke that morning, each feeling a little bit different. Huey was excited for another day at school, having missed the second day. Webby was anxiously awaiting her meeting with Lena before school to tell her all about their adventure. Louie was, of course, lazy and not wanting to go to school. Dewey was trying to conceal all emotions, but it wasn't working out that great for him.

As breakfast was served by Mrs. Beakley, the children conversed quietly, with Dewey joining in as little as possible. A couple minutes later, the rest of the crew, including Donald, showed up at the table. Everything became quiet, the atmosphere was unquestionably uncomfortable. Dewey wouldn't make eye contact with anyone, instead deciding to poke at his pancakes.

"Well, I've decided since I have my family together again, that we should go on more adventures! I've decided to homeschool you all." Scrooge started the conversation, uneasily looking over at Dewey. The other three children whooped and hollered, Louie had gotten up on the table out of sheer excitement. Mrs Beakley quickly scolded him sharply and he sat down, giggling a little with Webby.

"Can we have Lena come too?" Webby asked. Scrooge thought about for a little while, deciding that it would be a good idea.

"Sure. I see why not." He responded. Webby cheered louder than she had earlier.

Della was watching Dewey closely, who hadn't gotten excited at the news. She guessed that he was mad at her still and was upset over the loss of Vixen. She stood up and walked over to him without thinking. Dewey didn't have time to think before he reached up and grabbed his mom into a tight hug. Everyone was shocked, except Launchpad who watched happily while eating more pancakes.

"I'm sorry mom..." Dewey whispered into his mother's chest. She squeezed him tighter, stroking his back as he cried softly. The events that had happened to him were probably overwhelmingly, Della figured. Soon after, Huey and Louie got up from their chairs, having shared a knowing look, before joining in on the hug.

The others watched, tears coming to their eyes. Scrooge and Donald glanced at each other before Scrooge coughed to get their attention.

"I've been reading over Vixen's letter, well when Dewey had fallen asleep I went and found it, and I've decided that she's tougher than she looks. I believe that she's still alive, out there somewhere, and when she returns, she is welcome into my family." Scrooge declared. Donald and Della gave him a grateful look. Then Dewey broke out of the hug, running over to his great-uncle and tackled him, hugging him fiercely.

Weeby was so overwhelmingly happy that she broke into tears, grabbing Louie and hugging him too. Louie was surprised, but hugged his friend back, resting his chin on her forehead.

All seemed to be going extremely well, until the doorbell rang and the front door was loudly banged. Launchpad mouthed through his pancakes that he would get it, leaping up off his chair and sprinting to the door. Heavy fighting was heard before a loud thud.

The children were gathered behind the older ducks. Scrooge stood in the center with Della and Donald on either side and Mrs. Beakley stood a couple of paces in front of them. The children prepared themselves, they knew it wasn't Launchpad who was going to enter the dining room.

Three beagles, a pirate, and a small chubby duck came through the doorway. Louie gasped sarcastically from the back, "Doofus Drake, oh no!"

"Stand your ground lads... those guys are stupid but strong." Scrooge muttered to his niece and nephew who nodded in unison. The three of them let out a battle cry before charging. The beagles and the McDucks fought fiercely, but the beagles were gravely mistaken to take on the ducks. Mrs. Beakley summed up the strength of the small fox pirate, but was alarmed when she winked and put a finger over her mouth.

Dewey put both hands over his mouth to keep from shouting. It couldn't be....

The pirate leaped into the air, tackling Doofus Drake. Huey recognized the move, as it had been used on him. The chubby duck was stunned, clearly not knowing that he had been tricked.

Each fight didn't last very long. The beagles had ran into the hallways, jumping out windows or finding some way to escape quickly. Doofus Drake was banged up pretty bad, but he managed to find an exit. As soon as it had started, it was over with.

Just like this story. The story of how five only child's became the greatest of adventurers, friends, and family.


I know I know, cliffhanger. But that's it guys! I left it for you to interpret it how you want to. It's a bunch of unanswered questions, though you can definitely ask questions about it! Imagination and never knowing what actually happens is key to this story :wink: .

"All good things must come to an end." -Geoffrey Chaucer

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