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2018, current time

  "Listen, I already told you I bought the fucking thing. Just give me back my money." 

   Frank was working retail. The worst job, along with fast food. And currently, there was an annoying blonde woman with short hair standing in front of the customer service counter, demanding for her money back. Frank hated these people the most. It wasn't a hard concept to grasp. If you don't have a receipt, you can't return it.

   "Ma'am, I'm sorry but you can't return without a receipt. It's policy." Frank explained, wanting to quite literally die from having this conversation. Hopefully he would.

   "I fucking told you, I had a receipt but I lost it. Why can't you fucking dense employees understand that?" She sighed frustratedly and slammed her hand down onto the table.

   Say it. Frank dared. She grunted and looked up at Frank.

"I want to speak to your manager." She said in a snarky tone, crossing her arms. Frank smirked.

"I am the manager, bitch." He shot back. She gasped and immediately slammed her fist down. Unfortunately, Frank lied. He most definitely was not the manager. In fact, he was the least from a manager. But he hated people like this woman. He wanted so bad to slap her across her face and to watch her get so angry she turned completely red. Which wasn't saying much because she was extremely angry right now.

"I want to speak to whoever is above you right now!" She complained.

"That would be me, hi I'm the manager. My name is Joe, what's the problem here?" Frank's boss spoke from behind him. He rolled his eyes. Joe was the absolute worst. He seemed all chummy to the customers and the other coworkers but he hated frank in secret. He pushed him around - literally, shoving him into things. He would blame screw ups on frank, he would purposely get him in trouble. Frank would've actually taken the bitchy women over Joe any day of the week.

"You're employee has refused to work with me rationally. He refuses to let me return this and he called me a bitch! And he told me he was the manager!" She yelled. Joe smiled sweetly at her and kicked Frank aside to where she couldn't see. He turned to face Frank and whispered.

"Meet me in the supply room. Don't fucking think you'll get off easily. Got it?" He snarled. Frank nodded as his heart raced in his chest. He turned to walk into the room, hearing Joe calm the woman down in the process. He overheard him letting her return the item. Full of rage, Frank turned around angrily.

"You're breaking the policy." Frank muttered through gritted teeth, his face red. "Last time I let someone return something like this bitch, you told me I'd be fired the next time I did."

"Frank. Room. Now." He all but yelled at him. The lady smirked at him and sarcastically waved him off. Frank turned and walked back, completely pissed off. He walked into the room and shut the door, sitting down at one of the tables. It wasn't long before Joe came in, his face red and obviously full of rage. Frank flinched away immediately but it wasn't enough. Joe's hand came in hard contact with frank's face, a hard slap ringing through the room.

"You fucking bitch, you can't do anything right!" He was seething with anger and it showed. A tear fell out of frank's eye, but he couldn't help it, Joe had slapped him really hard and it managed to get his eye.

   "I'm... I'm sorry. I just hate people like that and I've had a bad day and-"

   "Aw, another bad day? What is it this time, Frank? Your father's death? Your mother's abuse? Suicide on your mind again? Why haven't you fucking done it already?" He yelled. Frank shrugged, wondering the same thing.

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