Intro / Author's Note (Please Read)

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Okay so, old readers, you know the drill. New ones - Ground rules:

1. Please no commenting about other fics. I'm trying to be original. No comments about November 1st, the forest Fic, the milk Fic, asotm, the dove keeper, or whatever the hell else. It drives me batty and I always gotta delete the comments. If you want a further explanation, go read my authors note in my Fic "Truth Or Dare".

2. I know you guys like finding references but I rarely write references and when I do it's sometimes by accident so please for the love of god if I write "hesitantly" please don't comment "alien" or a shit ton of song lyrics because I go mad. If I write "close the door", do not comment panic lyrics or any other.

3. Please just be mature

4. Don't start arguments in the comments. That's happened a lot surprisingly.

Okay! Now that we have that set up, I hope you enjoy this. I have chapters prewritten and I really really love this story, and I hope you do too.

Enjoy! :)

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