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   Frank woke up around 3:00 A.M. to glowing eyes in the middle of his dark bedroom. He jumped and switched his lamp on in a panic. He didn't calm down any more when he saw Gerard sitting on his computer chair. He was sitting odd, both feet up on the chair with his arms around his knees. His head was leaning down onto his knees, watching Frank curiously.

    "You weren't a dream?" Frank asked cautiously.

    "No, dear. I wasn't." He replied, a hint of a smile on his lips.

    "Why are you back here? How are you even real. I don't understand any of this." Frank exasperated. Gerard sighed and unfolded his legs, sitting normally.

   "I could feel your energy. It was very negative. I got worried. Turns out it was just a bad dream but I can never be too careful. I'm sorry if my staring woke you. It wasn't my intention." He said honestly.

"How would that wake me?"

"An entity was staring at you all night. You know that thing where you wake up in the middle of the night and it's because something is watching?"


"Well it's true." He said.

"Well thanks for the upcoming nightmares and terrors." Frank mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "I can't sleep anyways." Frank sighed, sitting up.

    "I can leave if it makes you more comfortable." Gerard muttered, still staring at Frank with a never ending interest.

    "No it's not you." He mumbled. He laid his head in his hands and sighed. He looked back up to Gerard, whose eyes were still centered in on him.

"You stare a lot, you know that?" He asked. Gerard blinked.

"No. I believe it's my eye color. It looks like I have contacts in. I look like I'm staring; however, yes, I am staring at you quite a bit." He agreed. Frank blushed a bit.

"Well... why?"

"I never thought I'd be this close. It's interesting. Your face is a lot more sculpted now. Your eyes are more green. Though, you're sadder. And that's not good."

Frank squinted his eyes at him and sat up even more, feeling rather uncomfortable.

"What do you mean my eyes are more green? I'm more sculpted?"

"Well as you grow, your body changes-"

"No! I know. I mean, have you seen me before?" Frank asked. Gerard smiled and nodded.

"I've been watching over you since you were a baby. I was assigned to you."

"Assigned by who?"

"The higher powers. Don't ask who they are because no one knows. They get mad if we ask."

"We?" Frank asked. "So there's more of you?"

"Of course. It's a big world, Frankie." Gerard hummed. Frank stiffened. His mother had always called him Frankie before she turned abusive. Gerard was quick to notice his sudden change of mood. He cleared his throat and tucked a strand of white, lifeless hair behind his ear.

"I'm sorry, Frank. It's a habit. I've been using it since I first saw you." Gerard apologized. Frank shrugged.

"It's okay. This is just... creepy. Am I supposed to know you're real? That you exist? I've never heard anyone else talking about a grim reaper who they talk to daily."

"No, you're not supposed to know I exist. That's why you can't tell anyone. Angel's of purgatory aren't supposed to meddle. It ruins fate." Gerard explained. "It could mess up your timeline, your death date, everything. So please, don't say anything."

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