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   "Can you even be in public with me? Like can anyone else see you?" Frank asked Gerard as he drove to his work. Gerard sat in the passenger seat, messing with the little beaded necklace that hung on the mirror.

    "Only if I present myself to them. Which I won't. Just don't talk to me or you might look insane." He mumbled. "Don't you get these kinds of necklaces from showing off your breasts?"

   "I got it at the dollar store, and can you stop? You're going to make me wreck." Frank said, shooing Gerard's hand away. Gerard snickered and sat back, crossing his arms.

   "You're cranky today." He smirked.

   "Well you know, scientists say that when a fucking grim reaper shows up into your life, it can stress you out. I feel like you're going to scare me or haunt me or some shit. Which is actually pretty cool but still. I'm nervous."

     "Well don't be." Gerard soothed. He turned towards Frank and smiled. "I told you, I'm here to help you."

    "Why didn't you show up sooner?" Frank asked. He sighed and rested his left hand on the bottom of the steering wheel.

    "Hm?" Gerard hummed, looking over at him. Frank had a change of mind and pulled over into an empty parking lot, turning his car off.

   "You're going to be late for your work." Gerard said, confused. Frank shook his head.

    "I don't care. Joe can give me all the hell he wants. I want answers." Frank turned towards Gerard. "Why did you never show up before?"

    "I told you, you were never actually going to kill yourself." Gerard explained. Frank only shook his head again, sitting up a bit further. He looked Gerard firmly in the eyes.

    "No. No that's not good enough. You said you were here to help me, because I didn't deserve to feel the way I do. If that's really why you finally showed up, why not before? Why not when I was seven years old and in need of a friend? Why not when I was thirteen and being abused? Why not when I was sixteen and nearly threw myself off the downtown bridge because I wanted so badly to drown in freezing cold water, so that maybe I'd finally feel something. Gerard, I've been like this my entire life. The world has chewed me up and spit me back out. But now? Now I'm just too tired. Too tired to pick up the pieces. I'm done. So why didn't you show up when I actually had enough effort to try to stay alive?" Frank asked, exasperated. Gerard just stared at him, eyes wide.

   "Say something, please." Frank begged. Gerard's eyes watered but he stood his ground.

    "I was scared." He whispered, his eyes still not leaving frank's.

    "Of what? You're a fucking angel. You're dead. What do you have to be afraid of?"

    "I'm still human, Frankie." He said, eyes full of pain. "Not so much anymore but... all humans have problems. Pasts. Fears. I wanted to help you. I wanted so badly to just show myself to you and touch your arm or hug you and tell you that you're okay. But I couldn't. Do you know how many times I laid by your side in bed when you were crying yourself to sleep? How many times I walked with you to school and back home? All those times when you wrote in your poetry diary? All those words, those hurtful words that were said to you, all those meaningful words you turned them into. I was there. Remember all those times you got cold out of nowhere?"

    "You were there?" Frank asked. Gerard nodded, his eyes only watering more.

    "I was. I was always there. God Frankie, I'm so so sorry. I truly am. But there's a reason I wasn't there then. But I'm here now. So please let me help you. Let me make up for it."

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