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Im so sorry it's been a bit, I got a job and when I'm not at school, I'm at work and it's taken a huge toll on me. But I really am trying, I swear.

   Frank woke up sweating. He squinted his eyes, wondering if the air conditioning had stopped working again. He looked around and saw that he was bundled up in at least three blankets. He shoved them off and sat up, looking around.

   Gerard was sitting on the computer chair, watching Frank with a small smile.

   "Why did you move?" Frank asked, sitting up a bit. "You can come back here."

   "You started shivering around 2am so I moved away and put more blankets on you. I don't want you getting sick. Or uncomfortable."

"You still didn't have to move. And I'm hot now anyways. See? I'm sweating." Frank smiled. He reached his arms out, causing Gerard to smile to himself. He stood up from the chair and laid down onto the bed. Frank smiled as he felt the cold come in contact with his skin.

"Thank you." Frank mumbled, throwing an arm over Gerard's torso. He laid his head onto his chest, rubbing his cheek against Gerard's cold body. Gerard closed his eyes and smiled.

"Do you have work today?" He asked, rubbing Frank's back gently.

"No. Not today." Gerard nodded.

"I'm still tired." Frank mumbled quietly.

"Go back to sleep, darling." Gerard whispered, running his ghostly fingers through frank's messy black hair. Frank hummed and nodded, relaxing further onto him. There was just something about Gerard that calmed him.

   Gerard smiled and started softly singing.

  "But does anyone notice? But does anyone care? And if I had the guts to put this to your head, but would anything matter if you're already dead?" Frank woke up a bit more now, carefully listening to the lyrics. He felt his eyes start to water as he heard the soft words, as if they where whispered just for him.

   "And should I be shocked now by the last thing you said? Before I pull this trigger, your eyes vacant and stained-"

   "Gerard?" Frank asked, looking up at him. Gerard looked down at Frank.


   "Where have I heard that? I mean I haven't heard it but it seems really familiar... like.. I don't know. There's this feeling in my chest." Frank said. Gerard bit his lip.

    "What kind of feeling?"

    "Almost like pain? But such a heavy feeling. Like I want to die. But in a good way. I know that sounds odd but I feel like that was said specifically for me." He mumbled. Gerard smiled a bit.

   "Then maybe you're the one who's supposed to help me finish it. It's been 27 years and it's still not completed."

    "What? 27? How old are you?" Frank asked. Gerard stared at him, a sad look in his eye. His eyes always held a certain despair within them, though Frank wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because he was dead. All he knew was that his beautiful ghostly eyes made any expression seem breathtakingly tragic yet so gorgeous.

    "We need to talk later. I'll explain everything. But just go to sleep for now, okay?"

   "I want to know now." Frank mumbled as he yawned.

   "Well you'll have to wait. Get some rest." He whispered. Frank nodded and scooted closer to Gerard, closing his eyes, and soon falling back to sleep.

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