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-Kim y/n POV-

Sitting alone with listen to my favorite songs while type something in my iPhone notes

Y/N: I have brother his name is Kim yeol [not chanyeol name] our parents is stayed at hometown since we both is still studying at Amsterdam university so we have to stay apart from our parents

I keep murmuring to myself when I type about myself

Y/N:I'm 21 and my brother was 26 .. my brother already work .. and I love EXO boygroup band WOWWWW but since LATELY I'm very busy with my studies and paperwork also examination .

Barely i just only can on my phone sometimes ... also I'm really nerdy girl who just know about study and doesn't like social to much cuz of that i don't have lot of friends but now it's already end my last exam for last semester ~~

I'm gettin waiting for my brother to pick up me to stay with him at korea ~ yeah he's job got transfer from Amsterdam to korea

And I have to stay with him .. since today is the day so I have to go there !

My though got cut by my calling ringtones ... I pickup my phone when I see the caller id was my brother

Me:hello ?

Yeol:hey sisturrrr where are you ? I'm waiting outside your university

Me:I on my way


I rushing out running to gate and searching for my brother car since my vision is not good and I'm not like to wearing a glasses so I just trying to search properly then I heard someone call my name


I turn my head to the left sight then I saw someone waving his hand .. I try to guess who is it and try to getting near him then my vision it's become clear immediately i run to him

Yeol:hey princess ! *he ruffle my hair*

Me:hey my hair !

Its being long time not hear princess words from my brother Huhu but now  my hair is messy !!!!!

Yeol: opps sorry so how was your exam today ?

Me:easy bro ! ~

Yeol:how can exam make you said easy while other students is was about freaking to dead answering them but you always said like that multiplies

Me:hahahah but its true tho

While get into the car and brother taking luggage to the boot

As soon as my brother get into the car he said

Yeol:so now lets go to the airport and y/n seat belt !

Me:oh sorry hahaha

Omg I'm so excited !! ARGHHH

Me:I'm hungry

Yeol:me too but can we eat in airplane since it's already late

Me:okay ~ *pout*

Seen my pout get attention from yeol so he start to persuade me

Yeol:okay first we check the flight time if delay it's lucky for us we can eat first ~

Me:YEYYYY okay now let's go


•In korea•

We both just arrived incheon airport I'm so shock when saw this airport it's so crowded I think I will lose if I not follow my brother

Even tho they all holding a board wrote their welocme person name to coming but I can't see properly what name was so I ignore it 

Yeol:Princess ~ I have to go to toilet first ~ can you wait me at there *point at the seat* and bring this too *his luggage*

Me:okay hurry up I'm afraid it's too crowded here idk why it's lots of people waiting someone here ~

Yeol:yeah don't worry just wait at there okay *patted my head then he left*


So I just go to the seat that my bro mention ... it's been a while my bro in toilet idk what he's doing urgh so I decided to ask someone in that crowded why they all keep screaming and bla2 its so weird

A/n:I about to write the conversation in korean language but maybe some of you guys don't understand so just imagine about the language 

I patted someone shoulder and she turn around

Me:urm hey ~ can I know why it's too crowded here ?

Girl:hey~ it's EXO just come back from japan that's why we all are here waiting for them ... ah are you foreigner so you don't know EXO kpop group right ?

Me:seriously they are on their way back ? By the way I know them I'm Eri but recently I busy with my final exam so I don't got any news about them ~

Girl:ah good to hear that you're lucky get to see them here I mean RIGHT NOW GIRL !

Me:yeah ~ THANK YOUUUU ~

Suddenly my phone rang

Me:oh excuse me

Girl:yeah its okay

I go far away from that crowded place to answer my call

Me:hello MOMMMMM

Mom:hello sweetieeee where are you ?

Me:incheon airport I've just arrived but yeol in toilet idk what he's doing it's like 30 minutes he's in there

Mom:Hahahaha so now you're alone ?

Me:yeah but don't worry I can't take care of myself .. but you mom ! Please always eat even you miss me so much hahaha

Mom:no I'm not hahaha so if you have times to call me just call okay and please behave at there ~ okay sweetieeeeeee I have to cook for your dad bye

Me:yeah bye please call me if anything you want too bye love ya !! AND Say hi to dad ! AND say to him o miss him already !!!

Mom:love you too ... okay ... say to your brother also ... have a nice day sweetie

Me:okay mom bye !

End call

I walked in since I picked up my call at outside the airport when I was want to get in those girl in crowded push me like a hell while screaming so I already know that I'm in crowded because EXO already want to go to their vehicle ... I really can't handle myself from falling because I keep getting push and sometimes got hit by something that idk ... until I fall hardly

Me:OUCH !!!

and I bottom of someone ...

A/N: guess who is it ?!!!!! 🤔🤭ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 😱🤫

So how is it ? Please comment your opinions 💓💯 sorry for my bad grammar also 🙇🏻‍♀️

So how is it ? Please comment your opinions 💓💯 sorry for my bad grammar also 🙇🏻‍♀️

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