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Me: YAH DONT SCREAM! Others will hear you

Sehun:sorry but hyung !

Me:yeah ?

Sehun:this is the airport girl that you worried so much !

Me:ah ! That girl gosh really ?

I keep open her pictures

yeah it's same! OMG !

Sehun:I think you accidentally swipe your phone with her ! Since you're the one gave her your phone and took her phone

Me:ah ~ I remembered it now gosh thank you sehun ah ... seems this girl like me because many pictures of me than you guys

Sehun:really ? Let me see

Me:yeah ~ here

I show her gallery at him

Sehun:but why she's not fangirl around when with you ?

Me:I saw her already when she's brought 3 luggage and alone and then she's go to the exit gate I thought she's not EXO-L ...

Sehun:you already saw her before an accident ?


Sehun:why ? I mean why you looking at her ?

Me:she's pretty

Sehun:you know what ?

Me:what ?

Sehun:this is your chance!

Me:what chance ?

Sehun:why you so slow tonight ! Ugh

Me:IM OLDER than you respect me kid !

Sehun:sorry ~ meet her tho !

Me:how ?

Sehun:this . is . her . phone ~ and your . phone . at . her ... so ask her to change your phone back

Me:OMG SEHUN AH ! Why you're so genius tonight ah ?

Sehun:well OH SEHUN IS HERE ~

While flip his hair back

Lmao this kid !


I and sehun plan everything then we fall asleep

•3 AM•

-Baekhyun POV-

I can't sleep well I keep thinking about her i don't know what's wrong with me

I should sleep ! Tomorrow I have a plan BYUN BAEKHYUN SLEEEEEEP !

I close my eyes and start to sleep

And yeah I did it !


after I woke up I keep staring at her phone ~ her phone keep ringing I'm scared to pick it up since I afraid it will be misunderstand

If I pick it up her brother must think that her sister sleeping with a boy ... oh no poor her ...

I keep thinking until her phone rang again I feel annoyed so I decided to pick it up
I saw 엄마🌷❤️ [mom]

Her mom call shit what I'm going to do ?!! Ok just off this phone later I'll call my phone like sehun and I planned yesterday

Sehun just woke up

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