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It's been 1 week pass I've call with Baekhyun . My heart say it's not his fault after everything Sehun oppa explain but when I start to throw back everything the moment in that hospital it's make my heart ache

My day is become more better than last week . I'm more talkative before last week to my brother , I shouldn't not make my brother worried so I have to be strong infront of him even tho I know that he already knew my acting . But he's not say anything to make me .

The last met with Sehun oppa , he already gave me a card pass for enter the SM building as staff card . He said if I change my mind he asked me to come there for meet Baekhyun .

Every night Sehun oppa will send me message that I never reply to him just seen every message that say about how Baekhyun does every entire day

The most thing baekhyun does is mostly staring my face over his wallpaper phone . He's not always joke like always , even his fans recognize his behavior . He's gave them a fake laugh to make his fans knew he is okay

Sometimes I just think that I'm selfish, it's not sometimes but I think always because I never hear any explanation from baekhyun when he tried to make it . Everytime I see his face my heart is ache over how much I upset to him when I left him when he's sick and that time he need my attention the most

I'm sorry byun baekhyun , this is the most words that I want to say to him but I'm ego . Yeah my emotional take control of my whole body for him even my half heart already take over by My emotional , half of them still trying to persuade for accept Baekhyun .

In living room balcony , my hair blown by wind , the cold weather at the night still not bothering me to stop thinking whatever in my head now . Not even recognize my brother presence .

My name call by his soft voice to approach me , I turn my body to the left when I already saw him with still in his blue prince suit with smile on his face to make feel soft over him .

Yeol:how was your day princess ?

The question that always he ask me every time he's back from worked . The most question that always i answer him by 'great' but today I don't want to lied anymore . Before I answer him I give him a saddest smile for the first time after a week lies

Me: I miss Baekhyun

He's smile again , maybe because of the sincere of honesty from me . He's show the line bright teeth that he have to make the smile more bright over the dark sky

Yeol: should I make you a hot drink ? , It's cold right now get inside princess

I smile and nod to him

He put his hand behind my waist push me slow get inside the living room before slide the glass door to close it . He open his suit before walking to the kitchen to make us a hot drink

Yeol:get inside your room princess , I'll send your drink to your room . Your room more warm than this space

I just only nod to his command .

I stare over my phone that place infront of me on the baby pink comforter . It's time for update from Sehun usually in this time . Buzzing from my phone make me smile , as always Sehun oppa .

I unlock my phone and open Sehun oppa message

Sehun oppa❣️11:00PM

-I should tell you this , he catch a cold this night , he's fall asleep after get inside his room . Good night y/n

"He catch a cold"

The words that make my heart ache , he's not even take care of his healthy. It's not as always report that I should get .

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