308 10 0

Me:OH... MY .... GOD!!!!

I can't believe it what i saw right now
I saw one bag full of stuff from sm Coex at baekhyun sit and then on the table haveeeee EXO CONCERT TIKCET !!!! LIMITED VIP !!!!

I screammmminggggg !!!

after that I got message I thought it from my bro but is from baekhyun and he save his number as mochi oppa ! OMG


Oppa:check my seat place y/n ah ~♥️

Immediately I reply

Me:baekhyun oppa ?

Oppa:hehe yes it's me so how the present you like it ? 🤪

Me:more than like oppa thank you so much words can't describe how much I felt this HAPPY 😝♥️

Oppa:my pleasure 💓


Omg I can't believe this ... if this is dream please do not wake up PARK Y/N ! I pick the note on the ticket and is wrote

To : dear y/n ❤️✨
actually I give you this because you reject my money 2 times also this is apologize gift from me and EXO thank you again ! you not open my privacy you take care good of my phone + you not viral it thank you ♥️ keep call me mochi if you want . I don't mind it if that word out from your mouth ... please accept this gift and I hope got to see you again at there . in ticket envelope also have card for backstage ... see you there

Your beloved mochi,❤️
Byun Baekhyun EXO ><

I screammmmingggggg gosh please keep dreaming y/n if this is dreaming don't wake up !!!! But then someone approach me

Girl:sorry may I help you why you screaming ?

Me:no I just happy

Girl:urm miss please do not scream at here we have customer

Me:oh sorry I'm so sorry I just too excited btw can you bite this

i show my finger in front of her mouth

Girl:WHAT ?! sorry I can't bite any customer

Me:i know you will think I'm crazy gurl but I'm not so it's okay just bite me

Girl:for what though ?

Me:I think I'm in dream so I want to know I'm dreaming or not please just bite

Girl:ok I bite it right now and don't scream

Me:okay I'm ready


she bite finger


Girl:oh miss I'm sorry are you okay

Me:yes I'm thanks so I'm not dreaming yesss

Girl:hehe but sorry so I have to go

Me:yeah okay

After that I exit from the privacy place and straight to the hotel .. I'm so exited until I'm not realize someone call me

I'm smile smile smile and keep SMILING like a crazy girl

After a few block building I past then I put my ticket concert in my handbag then I just realize my phone have missed call

I saw contact name was 엄마🌷❤️

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