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The practice continue smoothly as scheduled and I still here in this practice room . 2 hours already past but I don't see any moment they will take a rest for a long break . They will just break like 2 minutes then start their practice back

Yeah I know they really hard working on this new comeback because of like A FREAKING THOUSAND YEARS they not comeback . I keep my mind busy with what just happened to me right now until I forgotten something important .

Lunch time it's already past but I'm still here . in . EXO . Practice room?! I look at my watch it's 3:47 PM ?!!! SHIT my brother ! I promise him to be home on 12/1 PM . My phone battery already dead since I'm not charge it last night .

Now I don't know how to tell Baekhyun I have to go back since I promise to my brother . It's already past too much hours now . Ugh what I'm going to do . I make a worried face as I see them like have more choreography to each songs to practice .

10 minutes pass by

I still in here looking at them . As soon as I stand from sofa that I sit the song is stop maybe it's end ? I guess ? Then I heard suho oppa said loudly

Suho: 2 minutes break

As soon as every members heard that all members get their own mineral bottle to drink them . Baekhyun bottle was near me when Baekhyun took them and drank until half of them . He saw my face as he put back the bottle on the desk .

With wet hair , full of sweat on his shirt , breathless , he approach me with his hand cupped my face

I just stared at his eyes that seems very worried on me and feeling the heat of his breath

Baekhyun:what's wrong with this face, honey ?

A sweet husky voice out from his mouth

Baekhyun:everything's okay ?

Now I know that my face really show to him how much I'm worried about my brother . I just straight to the point tell to Baekhyun

Me:baekhyun oppa ~ urm ... my brother ... urm .. ohhhhh..... ummm

Baekhyun:hey hey ~ it's okay just tell me .

Me:I .. I .. I promise to my brother that .. ummm ... I will comeback home around 12/1 PM ... b...b...b..but now it's like 4 PM already..i..i..i have to go . I couldn't call my brother because my phone battery was dead ... I.. i ..

I was about to continue ask him permission may I go right now

But he cut me by kiss my lips ?!

I can't really process now what happened .. am I said something to make him kissed me ?

I'm still shocked . I'm not even kiss him back also my eyes even can't blinks . After a seconds past by , he broke the kiss and again cupped my face and say

Baekhyun:I'm not even say you can't go .. keep contact with me okay ~ I love you

He give me a kiss on my forehead and my chubby pinky cheeks and peck on my lips before say

Baekhyun:go right now . Your brother must be worried . I'll call you when i free . Thank you for this day .

He let go my face and pull me a hug and send me to the door of the practice room . Before he open the door for me he say loudly to his members

Baekhyun:guys ! Y/n have to go ! Say bye !


Sehun:already ?! Aww too sad that we don't have much time spend together

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