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-Sehun POV-

After Baekhyun already in VIP room , all members have to gathered to meeting about this . The new manager will getting fired and we still have to meeting about Baekhyun hospitalize news to not viral it .

Suho hyung the one who's manager hyung (the true one) trust , get this mission to settle before he's duty will continue tomorrow

Suho hyung ask everyone to meeting at privacy place which is in this hospital building too and I'm the one have to take care of Baekhyun hyung since i am the one Baekhyun close to

They all already leaving me alone here in this room just hear bipping sound and aircond sound . I just remember about someone

I decide to call her to visit Baekhyun hyung since she's the one should know about this and Baekhyun hyung must want her by his side

I leaving Baekhyun room and calling her when I get into the elevator and told her everything . I waiting her at the main door . Hoping that she will come .

-y/n POV-

I stand up from my the ground and walking slowly because I think I shouldn't cry at here but I should cry at the corner of dark in my room and not showing anyone how much pain I felt right now

My head still dizzy because of crying but then someone call me so I just pick up without looking at id caller


I'm trying to hold my sobbing

???:ummm I ....

Me:I don't have much time to talk

Finally I say something to make him hurry but my voice is cracking when I said that

Because I know who is along me by his voice and I burst into crying loud because when Sehun call me I can't think anyone else beside byun baekhyun

Sehun:it's me Sehun , why are you crying ?~

He's sound worried but I can't stop from crying

Me:I ... i ... I'm useless ...

I said with stuttered

Sehun:I don't know should I say this or not but I think you might now and please don't cry too much after this

Me:spill... it out ...

Sehun:hyung is hospitalized after getting punishment by manager after met you

My breath stop
My tears stop dropping
My heart is broke into a tiny pieces
My soul not in my body anymore

I can't standing properly after I heard that . Finally I fall on the ground hold shirt where's part my heart is and hold it strongly to make me strong but I felt

I'm useless
I'm terrible
I'm asshole

What I have done to him !
I should not with him
I'm not the best for him
I'm not the one he's should with

I start to crying more in pain this time without end my call and I heard Sehun sighing loudly when he heard me crying more loud this time

Sehun:where are you ? I'll pick you come over here

Sehun might seen like a cold person but he's the most helper to everyone , I can't reply any words to him and I just can make more tears dropping

Sehun:hyung must be waiting for you please come over if you don't want me to pick you

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