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-y/n POV-

???:I'm EXO Byun Baekhyun nice to meet you

He's taking off his mask and look at me while smile showing he's perfect teeth

???:and I'm EXO Oh Sehun nice to meet you

I can't believe this gosh I'm dreaming right ! wake me up please why ?

Why ? I'm so happy it's this true ? I'm meet with them for the second time? But this is official meeting ! Because of yesterday accident ?

No I can't believe this I know it's dream and my brother was true I'm crazy

Me:I'm dreaming oh god wake me up please *sobbing while close my mouth*

Baekhyun:hey why are you crying ?

Me:and now he is talking to me ? I'm crazy my brother was right

Baekhyun:no you're not


A/n:who's not crying or excited if meet them personally right ? Hehe


he give me tissue

now he give me tissue ? It's this real ? Or I'm dreaming ?

Baekhyun:are you okay now ?

Me:yeah ~

Baekhyun:so cute

Ahjeiwnswk DID HE JUST SAID IM CUTE ?!!!!

Me:by the way sorry i keep saying you are my mochi also not recognize you guys as EXO

Baekhyun:you already guess it's true thanks also for to be an eri

Me:it's my pleasure

Baekhyun:so how are you ? How about your hand ?

Me:just a little hurt thank you

Baekhyun:my pleasure

Me:I can't believe it tho I swap phone with you and meet you and sehun oppa right now

Baek:Hahahaha by the way are you not eating ?

Me:no ... you ?

Baek:we about to order but many people out there afraid that they will recognize us

Me:what do you want to order ?

Baek:ice americano and vanilla cake

Sehun:chocolate bland and chocolate cake

Me:wait here I'll buy it for you guys

I stand and about to going but then baek stop me by holding my wrist I look at him with my heart can't stop beating OMG WHAT NOW ?!!


Of course I'll stutterer

Baek:here take this card pay for it

Me:it's okay I'll buy them for you guys

Baek:you already not take my money like 3 times include this

Me:it's okay oppa

Baek:okay ~

He said okay but he not let my hand go ? Why ?

Me:urm my hand

Baek:oh sorry

He let go of my hand and I go to counter to order what they want

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