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-Sehun POV-

Me:she's have trauma when she left you hyung ! For a week her brother tried everything to make her better ! When she's knew that you were sick last night , she's came to fight over his trauma but you ! You not appreciate it !

Chen:Sehun ! Respect elder !

Baekhyun:continue sehun

He say with gentle voice feeling more soften now

I told Baekhyun everything until Baekhyun room door open reveal y/n with swollen eyes , her nose pink and he face puffy . She's holding her jacket on her right hand before come downstairs

Once she's reach the living room want to bow to me but she's faint right away . I catch her from falling .

Me:princess !!! Wake up !!

Chen hyung check her pulse

Chen:her pulse is weak

Me:hyung can I put her in your bedroom ?!

I asking baekhyun permission hoping after everything I said he's back to his reality about their relationship 

Me:please hyung ~

I'm begging looking at him nod to me as answer . I quickly carry her in bridal style bring her to baekhyun room which is helping by Kai

-Baekhyun pov-

Chen just standing infront of me and patted my shoulder before he speak

Chen:whatever Sehun said , please think about it and take care of her this time after you take your medicine

He follow the maknae upstairs leaving me alone


-y/n POV-

I just woke up when my head start feeling some pain because of dizziness . I open my eyes to search where's my phone , want to check what time is now .

But when I see everything around this room I feel weird , this is not my room . I stay in my position to keep helping me remember what just happened .

I'm still can't recognize where I am . When i feel someone tighten his hug around my waist , I look to my side that i in someone embrace .

I groan when the pain take over my head by then he pull me and tug me into his chest and kiss my crown . I smell his scent , now I know who he is .

Not even Kai scent , not even my brother Yeol scent neither Sehun scent . It's Baekhyun scent . His voice husky when i groan because of pain .

Baekhyun:honey ? Are you okay ?

His voice make me like want to cry because of his soften and gentle when we were together .

His right hand still hugging my waist , he's top of me when he try to see my expression when I groan more and more . I'm crying because of the pain .

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