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Baekhyun:you not miss me ?

Me:of course I do honey

Baekhyun:hehe *showing his white beauty teeth* . So lets order something for our brunch

Me:I'm just ate when you chat with me ~ hmm

Baekhyun:no wonder you look so chubby

He pinch my both cheeks

Me:ah~ I'm not *whining

I take Baekhyun hand to let go from my cheeks and not looking at him IM SULKING ! Did he just said I'm chubby ? NO tho I'm just cutttte with this mochi cheeks only wuuuu

Baekhyun:y/n ~~~~

Baekhyun take my hand but I refuse

Baekhyun:look I'm just joking okay ~ you look so cute with this cutie cheeks alolololo

He caressing my cheeks

Baekhyun:let me see this cutie face hmm I can't see them later I'll miss them

My face already filled with blushing

Baekhyun:hehe look who's blushing right now ?!!! And of course my baby hehe ~ now do not sulking okay baby ~ enjoy this moment because I don't have much time to spend with my lovely babygirl

Aww I can't handle this ! Actually I'm just acting to be sulking because I want to know how this idol boy want to persuade me ~ yeah as I expect he is an idol love to flirting with fans

Me:no wonder many fans love oppa ~ because you love to flirting ~

Sound like jealous

Baekhyun:I'm just flirting with the most I love only ~ I have to love my fans because of them I was here honey ~ please

Me:hehe I was acting sulking ! I'm just want to to know how you gonna persuade me ! Hahahaha

I laugh while looking at Baekhyun who's looking like upset now hahaha. Okay I think now it's my time to persuade him ~

Me:okay ~ I'm sorry oppa~ I'm just want to know how much you love me to persuade me with those flirting words that you always used in concert hmm

I caressing his hand that on table right now then I put my cheeks on his hand and look at him with puppy eyes

Baekhyun:awww I cant handle with this cutie ugh


Baekhyun:so now let's order something for brunch

Me:sure let me order for you

Baekhyun:anything is okay I'm just don't want CUCUMBER

Me:hahaha I know that~ my baby

I pinch his cheeks and he just giggles

I go to the counter to make an order, when my turn to order the worker ask me

Worker: may I take your order miss ?

Me:yes ~

Worker:eat here or take out ?

Me:eat here

Worker:table number ?

Me:Ouh urm private table no 04

Worker:okay~ what do you interested to order miss ?

Me: I need 1 ice americano ... 1 vanilla ice cream and this chocolate cake I piece

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