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After like 15 minutes I'm in here ~ I feel out of breath especially when i know that I'm not eating anything yet all those make me more feeling weak

Slowly I close my eyes for relaxing my body .. mostly my breath is more missing right now

-Baekhyun POV-

After like a 'years' moment that I'm waiting manager out from this practice room finally he's got to go because of meeting coming up

I rushingly go to the closet looking for y/n . I open the closet door and y/n weak body out from closet and her body like she's died

Don't tell me this god . PLEASE

I quickly taking her and put her head on my thigh and tap her face with calling her name repeatedly

Me:please y/n wake up ~ y/n please don't do this

She's not respond .. I shout my members to help me

Me:HYUNG ! Others ! Help me !

All the members run to me and look at me with shocking face


Me:i don't know I'm just came here to check on her but then she's look like this

Kyungsoo:okay now relax check her pulse first

Kyungsoo check her pulse and he's let out the loud sigh as relief

Me:she's alive right ? Please tell me

Kyungsoo:yeah she's alive

Sehun:then ?

Kyungsoo:bring her to the sofa she's just need some air fresh . She will be okay

I quickly nod and carried her with bridal style and put her on sofa and her head on my laps

Me:I'm so worried ~

My face like wanna cry but I can't show it to them . I don't even know why am I crying ~ it's that really true that I'm in love with her ?

But it's impossible to be with her

Chanyeol:You love her don't you

Chen:be honest

Me:n...no.. I...I'm just w..worried be be because she's o...o....our fans! Right ?!

I make a fake smile to cover my stuttered answer

Kyungsoo:we knew each other more than 10 years

Me:I ... I don't m..mean... to to love her~

I look down to my laps looking to her face and feel guilty to my members ~ I caressing y/n cheeks and play with her hair looking forward for her respond to wake up

Me:I'm sorry

Sehun:I'm sorry too hyung ~ I mean like if you don't follow my plan maybe you not with her right now maybe you just will buy a new phone

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