Chapter Seven

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Janet, grabbed Loki's hand and pulled him out side.

" Come on, I got us a cab."

Loki shot her a glare.

" Remind me again why I am doing this?"

Janet smiled, " Because if you don't you will be posted in drag all over the internet so fast your eyes will crisscross. Plus I am friends with Jane Foster who is the girlfriend of your brother. And I will make sure he sees the picture as well."

Loki sat in the cab with Janet slamming the door behind him.

He pulled the him of his dress down further.

" Did you have to pick out something so whore like?"

Janet shot him a glare. " That comes below the knees on me and I had to make alterations to the back so it would fit over your man shoulders."

"I am a man." he protested.

Janet snickered. " Not dressed like that,"

Loki groaned. " Just get the peasant to drive."

Janet knocked on the glass window separating the driver from the passenger.

" Forth avenue please." She told the driver and shut the window. The car began to move.

The entire ride consisted of Loki's promises to murder her in her sleep, his complaints about the outfit, and how the mascara itches his eyes.

"Damn Lokitea, shut the hell up."

" That's not my name." he grumbled.

Janet smirked. " For tonight it is. Maybe I will get you a guy friend."

Janet stepped out the car with a gaping Loki.

" I will slit your throat mortal. This is drawing the line."

Janet rolled her eyes.

"You had sex with a horse. And gave birth to an eight legged one. I don't want to hear it."

Loki went silent.

Janet smirked, " Come on at least try to have fun."

She snickered as he murmured something about shoving fun up her ass.

The bars lights were flashing bright, the place smelled of sweat and alcohol. Loki wrinkled his nose or rather Lokieta crinkled Her nose.

Janet was having to much fun with this guy.

She grasped his hand and pulled him to the bar,

" Two shots please."

The bartender winked at Loki. "Anything for you two lovely ladies.

When he turned around Loki said " I think I'm going to hurl."

Janet laughed at him when he looked like he was going to deck the guy staring at his ass behind him.

" Well you certainly have the feminine appeal going on." She snickered.

Loki took another drink.

" I really hope I wake up tomorrow with no memory of this, mostly for your sake."Loki finished his sixth beer, just now was he beginning to loosen up a bit.

Some guy came and patted Janet on the butt.

She punched his arm. " Pig!"  He turned and smiled at her.

" You don't think that, " He winked at her alcohol tainted his breath.

" Disgusting you piece of shit, get off of me!" Janet was now pinned up against the bar by the guy.

Loki put a hand on the guys shoulder. Even dressed like a woman he was scary.

" Back up. And you can leave in on piece."

" Oh, so your going to join us tonight?"

Loki flung the guy to the floor.

" I'll beat you into the ground you mewling quim."

The guy stood up, " I don't hit girls."

Loki gave him a smug look, " Then you'll have no problem fighting me."

A/ N

erm okay.
I'm ending it here...
* awkward silence* any way. Tell me what you think, no silent readers please!!

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