Chapter Nine

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( A/N this one is not going to be as comical. Sorry...)

Janet has tried being her usual perky goofy self, trying to get Loki to smile it wasn't working.

He was rude.

He didn't smile.

He would always say things to try to bring her down.

At first Janet would let it roll off but eventually it started to hurt. She hated it. He wouldn't leave.

She even apologized to him for dressing him up. He still wasn't the same.

Today she didn't want to even bother. Why the hell would she?

Yeah she acted stupid, down right idiotic, but it was an act. She still had feelings.

Her normal perk was gone. The sparkle in her eyes, was blown out like a candle.

She made her way to the living room. She sat by a window, she passed Loki on the couch, she didn't bother to say hello, or good morning.

She turned on her music.and placed.her ear buds in.

Janet wanted to cry. She thought she made a friend, turns out he was another asshat.

She fought back tears, her eyes brimmed with them any way. She refused to even look at him. With a shaky hand she wiped them away.

Janet looked out the window trying to ignore the hot racing tears.

Her playlist changed, Waiting For Superman, played through her ear buds.

"Yeah he's still coming, he got stuck at the five-n-dime saving the day."

Janet wanted to roll her eyes. Her superman wasn't coming. 

She wanted to steal a glance over her shoulder to see of Loki even noticed her tears.

  She stood up and quickly walked past Loki, who was reading a book, and headed to her bedroom where she could cry in peace.


Loki did notice her tears. He knew he wasn't nice.. She had already gotten to close.

He never meant to make her cry. It hurt his chest for some odd reason.

Loki didn't look at her as she walked away.

He heard her cries form down the hall. Normally he would have told her to shut up, if she was anyone else. But he didn't have the heart to do the to her.

He was a terrible person. She had been so nice. He hadn't been.

Loki closed the book. He stood walking to her room.

Her door was open he could.She her back she faced the wall clutching something to her chest.

He say timidly beside her. The caused her to jump and look at him.

Tears still fell from her brown eyes.

" What do you want?" She hissed venom laced her voice.

" I'm sorry."

Janet scoffed, " Like hell you are. You just  want to get some guilt off your chest. No one's ever truly sorry."

He felt like he had been slapped.

He deserved every minute of it. " I was harsh. Uncaring, I'm sorry. I have no excuse."

Janet looked back up.

" You can leave. I know you don't care. You just need somewhere to stay. You couldn't give a rat's ass if I died. You wouldn't care if I feel off the face of the damn earth!! NO ONE WOULD!!" She yelled standing up.

Her breath was shaking along with her hands.

She slid down her wall.

" No one cares. They just want a dumb blond, I'm not blond. No one one." Loki touched her hand.

" I do believe I care.".

Janet looked up. " Really fun way of showing it." She said quietly.

" I, I push people away. If I dont they can hurt me." He said quietly sitting in front of Her.

" I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you."

He was taken by surprise Janet hugged him quickly.

" Thank you."

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