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Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

You wake up to your phone continuously buzzing. You groan and slowly open your eyes, reaching over and grabbing it.


I swear to fucking god if you nearly die again I'll hurt you I could do stuff and you'd never know😉But I won'tJust don't die or I'll be pissed

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I swear to fucking god if you nearly die again I'll hurt you
I could do stuff and you'd never know😉
But I won't
Just don't die or I'll be pissed.

You frown slightly at his messages. They were a lot more aggressive then usual. Why was he behaving like this? You slowly put the phone down and look around the room. You were in a gorgeous white and gold room- it seemed more fit for royalty then for you. You pull the blanket from over you and spot the cast sitting over your foot and halfway up your calf. You sigh as you slowly lay back down.

As if on queue for your boredom, Jin walks in with a tray of food. He smiles softly at you and places it by your side. "I made dinner." He said proudly before sitting by your side. You slowly shake your head and push the tray towards him. You didn't feel like eating. "Eat." He suddenly commanded as seriousness struck his face. You gulped at this sudden change and slowly began to eat. His face expression flipped back to his usual happy one and he smiled at you before leaving the room.

What the hell was happening? First Jimin being weird, then Taehyung and now Jin. Was something going on? You sigh and finish off all the food in fear of being hurt. You sit up and lean forwards, placing the tray at the end of the bed. You then pick up your phone and sigh as you flick through your contacts, the only names now being the boys names. You sigh slowly as you click on Jin's and send him a quick text saying you were finished. He rushed in pretty quickly and took the tray away before returning with a pair of crutches.

"I don't want you being stuck in here. I'll let you out for a bit. Obviously you are staying in the house but you can leave your room." Jin smiled at you softly as he helped you up. You slide your hands onto the crutches and slowly begin to walk towards the door with Jin by your side.

"Why can't I leave?" You ask softly. Jin's face suddenly turned serious and he sighed as he looked down.

"It's just better for you to be here in a way." He muttered before smiling once again. You bite your lip as he helps you to the main living room. This place was huge. It was like a mansion- no, that's exactly what it was. You let out a breath as you lower yourself down onto the sofa and flick on the TV. Jin then disappeared. You weren't sure where he went but he wasn't there now.

You sigh to yourself as you slowly bring your legs up into the couch and get comfortable. Your eyes slowly drift shut but snap open when you feel a finger trace your jawline. You look up into Jimin's dark eyes and gulp slightly. Usually, you'd be more then happy to see him but something seemed off about him.

"We want to show you something." He whispered softly. He then slipped one arm under your legs and the other around your back, picking you up bridal style. You grunt as he suddenly lifts you up and carries you through the house.

"Jimin- what is it?" You ask softly as you turn to look at him. He frowns softly and continues walking. He then reaches the end of this never-ending corridor and pushes a door open at the end, producing a spiralling staircase that only went to darkness.

You cling onto Jimin with fear as he begins to walk you down. "Jimin? Where are you taking me?" You ask with a shaking voice. Jimin then suddenly glares at you.

"Shut up, Y/N" He hissed. He continued to walk in silence to what seemed to be a basement. He opened another huge door and in a large expanse of concrete laid six huge wolves. Each wolf was at least 6 feet tall. You gulped and looked up at Jimin who was smiling softly. When you turned to look back at the large dogs, they were no longer there.

Where those huge, hungry looking wolves were, now stood the six other boys.

They were wolves literally a second ago.

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