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"Ah, you brought her here then?" Hoseok asked happily as he sat on the floor, crossing his legs. Jimin nodded happily and gently placed you on the floor. Whatever the hell just happened, you had no idea. Whatever the hell was about to happen, you weren't ready for. You bring your knees up to your chest and watch Jimin as he walks over to the boys and faced you. The smiles they all portrayed seemed menacing, hungry and terrifying. You whimper softly as you try to move back a little, the cast restricting you. You begin to cry softly as you stare at the seven boys.

"We won't hurt you. We promise. Well, as long as you don't try to leave or hurt us" Yoongi sneered at you. You nod quickly as you sniffle. Jimin looks at you concerned for a moment.

"Your confused. Your scared. We understand." Jimin said softly and held out a hand towards you as if you were the vicious animal. No, that wasn't you. It was whatever theses deceitful boys were.

"Don't come near me." You whisper and move back, stopping still when your back hits the wall. Jimin keeps moving forwards, putting his hand down. He walks towards you slowly like a hunter about to pounce on its prey. You gulp and close your eyes tight.

"Or what? You'll shout at me?" Jimin asked cockily as he grabbed your wrist. You yank it away and hit him in the face in the process. You open one eye to see him welling up with pure rage. "You are going to pay for that!" He growled at you. His hand suddenly wrapped around your throat and squeezed tight.

What the hell? Why was Jimin hurting you?

Yoongi suddenly ran up behind him and yanked him off with ease. You heave in a deep breath and hold your neck which was most definitely bruised now. "Jimin. Remember the deal. You get the big TV in your room for a whole month if you don't kill her in the next two days" Yoongi whispered softly. You saw the anger slowly drain from Jimin as he stood up and dusted himself off.

"Can't we keep her locked away?" Jimin mumbled as he turned away from you. Namjoon shakes his head slowly.

"That's not fair." Jim said softly. You bite your lip as Yoongi slowly reaches out to you. You flinch as he places a hand on your leg and he instantly pulls away.

"You just have to keep it together Jimin. You, Kook and Tae." Namjoon says with a serious expression. Taehyung glares daggers at him while Jungkook stared at his hands.

"Just because you are newborns doesn't mean that you can kill everything." Yoongi adds. Jimin shakes his head and sits between Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Can I go back to my room please? I feel safe there.." You whisper softly. Jin nods and stands up, walking over to you slowly. You trusted Jin, you knew he wouldn't hurt you. He gently picks you up and carries you out of the cold basement.

"I'm so sorry about those three. They don't know how to sort themselves out with the moon out." Jin smiles apologetically. You nod slowly but frown as you remember his mood switching earlier. Maybe that was a thing that happened to all of them? Probably out of balance hormones or something.

"So, your not normal..." You mutter to yourself softly. Jin laughs a little, the vibrations of his chest going through your body as he carried you.

"Well no. We are werewolves of a sort. It's like a disease that isn't curable." Jin slowly said as he opened the door at the top of the stairs.

"Oh." Was all you could respond with. You were both silent the rest of the way. He gently placed you on your bed and left pretty quickly without another word. You sigh as your phone buzzes a couple of times.


I'm sorry Y/N

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I'm sorry Y/N.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
I'm not used to this.
Just leave me alone.

At those words, your eyes fill with tears. You weren't sure why but it just broke you. You heaved in a deep breath and began to cry deeply.

And as if God himself could hear you crying out.

He sent Park Jimin.

Like always.

That one solution.

Your hero.

Jimin bursted through the door and pulled you into a tight hug. "Hey, shhh, Y/N. I'm here now"

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