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Jimin freezes in his tracks and slowly turns around, eyes widening when he sees you. He clearly didn't notice you following him. Your mouth was hanging wide open and tears were stinging at your eyes.

Was Jimin-


No. He couldn't be. No way. Jimin wouldn't do that.

But he would. And he did.

Your whole world came crashing down on you. Everything you thought about him. Everything you hoped about him. Everything you believed.

That he loved you. That you were good enough. That he wouldn't leave.

They were lies. All of them. Everything he ever said. It had to be. That's why there was someone else.

But why would he make you his 'mate' if you didn't matter?

It didn't make sense. You couldn't breathe. Your heart was beating almost out of your chest. Tears were staining your cheeks.

He slowly reaches out to you and touches your arm gently. As soon as he touches you, you pull away, growling.

"Y/N. I swear to god this isn't what it looks like." Jimin pushes out through his teeth. The woman on the couch grabs her shirt and slips it on, quickly grabbing her things.

"Park Jimin! You told me there was no one else! I'm done with this relationship!" She squealed out before storming out of the house.

Relationship? Done? No one else?

Your mouth goes dry and you snap it shut, anger filling you up. You clench your fists as you glare at Jimin who was looking down sadly.

Then you slap him. It's a hard, vicious slap and to don't hold back. His face turns with the slap and he just stares at the floor, looking away with his burning cheek.

"You were cheating on me? While I was waiting downstairs with our best friend?!" You scream at him, not even caring if the rest of the boys heard. Jimin's eyes slowly travelled up to meet yours but you refused to look him in the eyes. The second you did, you knew your fall for anything.

"Y/N. Please, it isn't like that." He whispered softly. You scoff and turn around in a slow circle to try calm yourself. 

"Not like that? What is it then, Jimin?" You spit at him angrily. Each word you spoke, he flinched slightly. You scoff at his pathetically weak stance and cross your arms.

"She came onto me." He mumbled. You laugh once and grit your teeth tightly together. As-fucking-if. She was the shirtless one. He clearly came onto her.

Hang on. Wasn't she the woman you saw him with before?

"Bull. Shit. Don't even try to lie!" You yell at him again. This time, he doesn't flinch. He stands up straighter and looks you straight in the eye. You aren't even the slightest bit intimidated.

"You dont know anything about me or my life so why do you care anyway?!" He suddenly yells. That makes you laugh.

"Wow. Really? So your own girlfriend doesn't know you or your life? The one who is your mate?" You scoff at him and he crosses his arms firmly.

"I met you on a dating site. What do you expect? Kids and a happy marriage? You are nothing to me! You hear me? I did this to make my parents happy. Nothing more. I hate you more then anything in this fucking world, Y/N!"

And that was it. That was the moment he broke you. You feel your legs slowly going weak below you as your mouth falls open. Tears stream heavily from your eyes as he scoffs at you.

"Look At you. Pathetic bitch." Jimin muttered before storming past you, bumping your shoulder. The hit causes you to lose your balance and you fall to your knees, crying heavily.

He hates you?

He never loved you?

You couldn't bare it. It couldn't be true. There was no way this was nothing. You meant something to him. You had to. You begged to mean something to him. You begged internally for him to come back and say "Hey! It was a joke!"

But he didn't. He didn't come back to you.

You slowly roll onto your side and curl up into a tight ball, your tears slowly stopping as you let out slow, deep breaths. Once you calmed down, you sat up in slow movements and moved your way over to the corner where all the liquor was stored and grabbed a bottle of vodka. You then downed I without a pause.

It hit you instantly because of your empty stomach. Your head began to spin and you stumbled over to the table, pulling out a chair and slumping down on it. Not long after sitting down, Yoongi wandered in, not noticing you and also heading for the drinks. He picked up a bottle of rum and turns around, then spotting you. The bottle slips from his hand and shatters on the ground.

"Y/N?" I thought you were still downstairs?" Yoongi mumbled slowly. You shrug drunkly and lean your head back on the chair. Yoongi was suddenly knelt by your side, taking your face in his hands. "Are you drunk?" He asked softly before his eyes traveled to the empty vodka bottle in your hand. He reached for it but you gripped it tighter, wanting him to just leave you alone. If you had to, your hit him over the head with it.

But with amazing strength, he pried it from your hands and set it on the floor. "You saw Jimin didn't you?" He asked slowly, looking down at the floor. You tense up at the sound of his name and snatch your hands away from him.

"Don't even mention that cheating bastard!" You growl, slurring your words. Yoongi sighs and rubs his head slowly.

"Sorry." He says softly and you just roll your eyes, sending a spike of dizziness to wave over you. It also brought nausea and before you knew it, you were spewing your guts on the ground by Yoongi. He stood up quickly, away from the vomit and sighed deeply.

"Come on. I need to clean you up. You can't do it yourself." Yoongi said softly and tucked one arm under your legs, the other under your shoulders. He then gently picked you up bridal style and walked out of the kitchen towards the spiralling stairs.

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