Stand Off

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Taehyung turns around slowly with his hand still on the door and swings it closed. He then puts his hands on your hips and gently lifts you down, pushing you behind his back. The wolf continued to growl at the two of you as another appeared from behind. You scanned the two of them and stared into their eyes.


The can tell exactly who it is. Yoongi and Jimin.

You step out slightly from behind Taehyung and walk towards the two wolves. They seem slightly shocked but Taehyung grabs your arms and pulls you back. "What are you doing?" He hissed into your ear as he held you tight.

"They look like they want to hurt you, Tae." You whisper backs s you keep an eye on the boys. A third wolf slowly stalks into the room followed by a fifth and finally a sixth. They were all there.

"They all want to hurt both of us. Look at them." Taehyung grabs your chin and forces you to look into the vicious eyes of the once caring boys. You knew they didn't want to hurt you but right now, you weren't so sure. Taehyung suddenly lets so and you turn around to see him also now a large wolf. You bite your lip softly as he looks towards you with caring eyes. His eyes then flick to towards where the back door was and you knew exactly what you had to do.

You quickly climb into Taehyung's large back and he breaks into a sprint. You hoped and prayed to god that Taehyung could get you out quick enough. But he just ran.

He didn't stop once. You flung open the back door and the two of you ran out into the dark woods. A migraine appeared in your temple but you ignored it as you tried to block out the yelps, barks and growls of the boys behind you. You could hear heavy footsteps behind you which pushed Taehyung to run even faster.

Someone was chasing you. You were done for, no doubt.

Just as Taehyung skidded to a left, you lost your grip and went flying off him but he just kept running. You hit the bottom of a tree base and felt a sharp pain in your back and in your foot. Six wolves ran past you, clearly not noticing you except for one. A smaller one skidded to a half and slowly crawled it's was towards you.

You sit up slowly and push your back up against the tree bark. As the wolf grows nearer, you stare into its eyes. You tried to hide your fear but this person could clearly see through you.

He could always see through you.

Park. Jimin.

Jimin snarled at you, bearing his sharp teeth. You closed your eyes tight as you felt his powerful breath graze your face. You were prepared for him to tear your face off. You kept your eyes and your fists tightly closed and waited.

And waited.

But it didn't come. You slowly open one eye and Jimin is now sitting before you. His lips curl up into a small smile and his eyes follow almost instantly. He crosses his legs and tilts his head like a curious child.

"Did you think you were gonna die?" He asked with a small smirk. You gulp and slowly nod, granting you an even bigger smile. You couldn't tell if he was being aggressive or kind. His eyes were glazed over and you couldn't read him at all.

"I thought you were all going to hurt me. Are you going to hurt Taehyung?" You ask quickly and sit up straight. Jimin shakes his head instantly and his lips thin out into a frown.

"No, we won't hurt you. But Tae, he knows that he's not meant to just let you go." Jimin says slowly and glances off in the direction of the house. You bite your lip and fiddle with your hands.

"Please don't hurt him, Jimin." You whisper softly. Jimin reaches out and put his hand over your cheek, causing you to flinch. He slowly strokes your cheek, just under your eye and smiles at you.

"We won't hurt him too much. Just teach him a lesson, more or less." Jimin said slowly, looking up thoughtfully as he considered his words. You pull your face away from Jimin's hand and he sighs softly. "Can I take you back to the house? Please?" He asked softly and held out his hands to you. He seemed different again, like he was the normal Jimin. You didn't trust Jimin but you did trust this side of him. You nod slowly and he takes your hands, losing you up gently. He then cups you into his arms like a small child and carries you back to the house.

You place your head on his shoulder and let your eyes close slowly. You were exhausted. You didn't have any idea why they wanted to keep you but they did. You couldn't even defend yourself with this cast on.

As you arrive back at the house, you hear mumbles and screams of agony. The deep voice that boomed around the house screaming 'Stop' seemed so distant as you lay half conscious in Jimin's arms.

"You can't keep her here while he's being treated."
"There's no where else for her."
"She hasn't chosen a mate yet."
"I think she has."
"Jimin. It's clearly him."
"He has to turn her then."

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