sleeping with the enemy

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It's been a couple weeks since I took Anaya captive. I try to see her as little as possible because every time I do she infuriates me to no end.

I still can't wrap my head around the fact that I was sleeping with the enemy this whole time, and had not the slightest idea.

Its worse enough that I've developed feelings for her, but she turned out to be the one ratting me out. Every time I see those innocent eyes, I just wanna throw her on the bed and have my way with her. If I wanted to I could, I know she wouldn't stop me, but I can't. I need to detach myself from her permanently.

If I don't kill her soon my men will start questioning my ability as their boss. I can't have them seeing me as weak. Every person who has ever betrayed me has never lived to see another day, except for her. I tell myself it's good to teach her a lesson and torture her but I can't bring myself to do it, which makes me incredibly frustrated.

I don't know what the fuck to do with her.

The first few days she really made it hard on me by telling me her sad story of how she grew up with nothing just like I did. That she had no choice to do what she did but if she could do it all again she would just so she'd be able to meet me. I know she's just trying to get into my head again and using her usual tactics.

Austin thinks I should kill her but Tony believes that she was forced to do what she did and that I should at least hear her out. She could become valuable to me in a way if I make my peace with her. I made Tony the one responsible for her ever since the incident last week with her and Austin. He nearly choked her to death when she kicked him in the face, and I was furious. I strictly told them nobody besides me was allowed to touch her. Now Tony tells me she refuses to eat or drink anything and won't talk either.

Every time I start feeling bad for her, images of her and that piece of shit start running through my head. The cherry on top to my betrayal was finding out she was seeing another man behind my back, not to mention another one of Iris's employees, who tried to infiltrate my circle. I can't believe he managed to fool me as a dealer while she was fucking him behind my back this whole time. I had him captured and beaten as well and I'm really looking forward to killing him in front of her eyes. Right now he's rotting in another one of my warehouses. After I tell Anaya what he was up to, maybe she'll finally see how good I'm being to her. I'm the only one who will ever accept her in this world and the sooner she accepts that the better. She's damn lucky she's not dead yet.

My men are working round the clock to find Iris and this whole scam operation of hers. Once I find the bitch I'll burn her alive for thinking she could cross me. I don't know who she is but she better start running.

As I walk into the warehouse the smell of cocaine burns my nostrils. Several of my workers pack and distribute it into packages hidden in shipments that will arrive at the chain of restaurants I own. I check in with one of my men standing guard on an update on Anaya and he shakes his head. I take a deep breath and make my way upstairs to where the hidden room is. Two men guard the entrance and they undo the locks once they see me approach.

When I enter she's sitting on the bed with her head in her hands. She looks up as soon as she hears the door open and her brown eyes shine with hatred and annoyance. It's still strange to get used to the color when they were piercing blue a couple months ago. I bet her hair is dyed too.

"Eat." I sigh as I throw a wrapped sandwich and a water bottle in front of her. She picks it up and throws it at the wall. "Look, Anaya I would really prefer if you didn't die of starvation because I need you alive to see what you've done."

"Don' me that." She says through clenched teeth.

I raise a brow at her. "That's what it says on your file? Would you rather be called Raven? I mean if you're into that sure"-

"It's Naya." She breathes.

"What's the difference?" I chuckle.

She gets up and shoves me back with all her strength and I grin at the amount of courage she has in her. "The difference is only the people I love get to call me by my full name." I grab her wrists and pull her closer towards me, enough that I can feel her body heat.

"That's funny, I remember you screaming that you loved me as I fucked you in my bed not too long ago." I smile down at her and she makes that angry frustrated face that I can't resist. I can't help but lean in and kiss her harshly. She jumps in surprise and fights me at first but soon kisses me back until she realizes what she's doing and shoves me back with a sharp slap on my cheek making me groan.

"Too bad I lied." She says.

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