time really flies

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"Are you nervous?" Zayn asks me.

I rub Mila's back as she snores lightly against my chest. We're currently sitting on the jet on our way back to New York City. We'll be landing in an hour or so and Tony will be picking us up from the airport.

"A little." I sigh. We haven't told anybody that we have a daughter, not even Vikram. Zayn was so paranoid about the public finding out somehow that we hid it from everyone. I just hope they're not upset with us. That's the last thing I want.

"Don't be. Everything will be fine." He reassures me and I nod, trying to convince myself.

It's not long before we land, and Zayn grabs our bags as I carry a sleeping Mila off the plane. The weather is nice due to it being mid August. Once we're on the ground I smile as soon as we spot Tony with a suit and black shades on, standing in front of the car.

"Welcome home, Sir." He smiles big before embracing Zayn in a tight man hug. He turns to me and furrows his brows at Mila.

"This is Mila, our daughter." I tell him and he gasps lightly before taking his shades off and getting a good look at her.

"She's beautiful." He says and hugs me before congratulating me. "This is quite a surprise."

"I know, we were waiting to tell everyone in person." I admit and he nods understandably.

"Well, let's get going. The girls are dying to see you Naya." He tells me, and I grin. I can't wait to catch up with each of them.

We climb inside the car and Mila slowly begins to wake up. She takes a look at her surroundings curiously, not recognizing the atmosphere.

"I sold the penthouse," Zayn tells me eventually when I turn to him. I furrow my brows. "I got us a real house instead. With a picket fence and everything." He smiles and I gasp.

"Shut up!" I exclaim and he grins at my reaction. "Did you discuss this with him?" I ask Tony and he chuckles.

"It may have come up once or twice." He shrugs.

"I'm dying to see it."

We start driving down a spacious road with large houses next to each other and miles of green grass. It's just as I had pictured my future home as a kid, but better. We keep driving until we near a house with huge balloons in the backyard and a cake, with a welcome home banner, and that's when I know it's ours. Home sweet home. My heart thuds fast in my chest as we finally step out of the car.

As soon as I enter the new house I smell food being barbecued, and music playing along with the sound of chattering voices. It's beautiful inside and out and I'm not surprised since I know Zayn picked it out. When we step out into the backyard, the girls spot me and scream in happiness before running towards us and engulfing me in a group hug. They all changed so much since the last time I saw them.

"Naya! I missed you so much babe!" Davina squeals.

"I missed you more!" I pull her close.

"We're so glad you're back." Scarlet smiles.

It takes them a while to realize I have a child in my hands and they stop mid-sentence. Hailee gasps loudly when her eyes trail from Mila's face to mine and she starts noticing the resemblance.

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