in too deep

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Ray, or should I say Romeo, takes a seat in the chair across from us. I can't move or speak, and by the time I've collected my thoughts the two are deep in conversation.

The last five years Ray and I have had an on and off relationship. Since the day I met him I knew he was a gentleman with a great personality which is very rare to find. Over time we realized there was no way the two of us could make it work since my job literally consisted of sleeping with other men. He assured me he was fine but I never bought it. He said he wanted the best for me, and one day he wanted to bring me out of this torturous lifestyle. I told him that this is what I'm good at. We ended it with a nasty fight and haven't talked ever since I was assigned to Zayn.

Iris has no idea of anything, and if she did she'd probably have our heads. What I'm confused about, is why he's here now. I stumble off of Zayn's lap and they both stop talking to look at me strangely.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asks.

"I uh-need to use the restroom." I lie and practically run out of there. My face is burning hot and I want to hit something. Several minutes pass by of me pacing in the bathroom until he finally leaves and I return back to the room. Zayn pulls me back on top of his lap. He kisses my lips and moves my bangs out of my eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks while kissing down my neck. He slides up my dress slowly. The cool metal from his rings makes me shiver and I nod my head nonchalantly. At this point in the game, I've become an expert at lying.

"Romeo's a new dealer, he was referred to me by one of my guys." He says while I tug on his belt and position myself above his crotch.

"Let's stop talking about him." I kiss his lips as I lower myself down on him. He groans in pleasure. Making him forget about work and stress is what I do best.

"Fuck..." he gasps and stands us up from the chair. He lays me across the table in the middle of all the cash and I moan as he thrusts into me again and again. The table shakes and he grabs me by the hair roughly.

"Who's is it, princess?" He grunts and my eyes roll back in pleasure.

"Yours, all yours."


After I leave Zayn's mansion, my driver takes me to Iris' building where she runs her whole operation. I storm inside and scan the whole office for Ray but I don't see him. Iris' desk has a bunch of headshots of different girls who are in the same business as me. They all get new identities and fake papers. It's a part of the process.

I begin to snoop through her files to see what she has on Zayn and I but stop abruptly when I hear the door creak open.

"Somebody's feeling nosy." Davina, my best friend's voice is heard throughout the vacant room. I roll my eyes.

Davina and I met when I first started working for Iris. We hit it off seconds after we introduced ourselves to each other. She's been working for Iris longer than me. She's obnoxiously hilarious and I love that about her. It's really nice to have someone in your life who understands what you do on a daily basis. I'm proud to say I would take a bullet for her.

"Where the hell is Ray?" I ask her.

"What did he do now?" She laughs.

"He showed up at Zayn's mansion pretending to be one of his dealers. He could've got me in deep shit!" I exclaim but she doesn't reply. "What?"

"It's nothing." She says avoiding the question but I know better.

"Did he say something to you?" I ask.

"All I know is Iris recently found out some big stuff about Zayn that you hadn't told her and she's pretty sure you hid it from her on purpose. She's pissed Naya." She explains and I swallow nervously.

I've learned over the years that being on Iris's bad side is never good. Most people give three chances to a person until they cut them off.

Iris only gives one.

"It's just a misunderstanding I'll reassure her"-

"Whatever you do, be careful babe. You never realize when you're in too deep. Trust me."

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