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"One iced americano, one macchiato -" The girl from the counter repeated for the fourth time. She was getting distracted by the exams she was about to face.

"You know what, I'll just take my money back and leave." The costumer said, pulling the money back. He turned around and walked away, leaving the girl full of dismay.

She frowned as she heard footsteps walking towards her, "That's the third time today,"

"Shut it, Bangbang." She huffs out as she removes her apron. "I should just quit while there are still customers present."

"Come on, Yanyu, it's really not that bad -"

"Not that bad?" Yanyu exclaimed, walking inside the kitchen. "If I fail this exam, I don't think I'll ever graduate."

Bangbang reached out for her, but hesitated for a moment.

Ever since Kaihao left, Yanyu's been a little sensitive and since both of them are taking up the same course, he's the one comforting Yanyu all the time - which isn't going easy for his heart.

He sighed and put an arm on her shoulder, "Look, I'll take over for today. You can go home and study."

Yanyu frowned, "But Fen-ge's -"

"He'll understand." Bangbang smiled, "Now, go."

.·:*¨¨*:·. .·:*¨¨*:·.

"Hey! You cheated!" Mingzhu said, hitting Yanchen with a pillow. "That is so unfair,"

"Look, Mingzhu, its not my fault if the dice showed a three -"

She interrupted his excuse, "The dice you let Ruibin accidentally push down!"

"Hey! Don't drag me into this!" Ruibin raised his hands defensively. The couple was playing a boardgame while Ruibin was busy watching a replay of some korean drama he got hooked on.

"I'm done playing." Mingzhu pushed the boardgame to the center of the table and left the room.

Yanchen scratched his head, "I don't get it."

Ruibin nods, eating some popcorn, "Girlfriends are pretty hard to handle."

"Is that why you broke up with Lifen?"

Ruibin stopped in the middle of his eating session and looked at Yanchen, "She broke up with me. That's different."

"You haven't talked to her since? I mean, it's already been 7 months, maybe she's -"


The two boys looked at each other and hurriedly ran upstairs only to find Mingzhu standing outside her room with a shocked expression.

"What happened?" Yanchen rushed to her with concern.

Mingzhu blinked and pointed at her bed, "W-what the hell is Jing Peiyao doing sleeping in my room?!"

.·:*¨¨*:·. .·:*¨¨*:·.

"This is so hard, jie! I don't want to do it anymore!" Zhang Yankai exclaimed, handing the notebook back to Shuzhen.

"It's really not that hard if you just listen -"

"I don't think I can read anymore," Yankai shakes his head, "Zimo-ge's handwriting is pretty hard to understand!"

Shuzhen laughed, "Well, I had no choice. Out of all of us, he's the only one who took this subject. Well, except for you."

"Didn't Yilong-ge study this as well?"

"Yeah.. but his notebooks have been misplaced. So can you just, try and read? You need to pass this subject, Yankai."

Yankai sighed, taking the notebook from her and opening it again, "I need a transcriber for this."

Shuzhen smiled and took her phone that's been ringing nonstop. It was a call from Zimo.

"Hey babe ~" She mutters, putting the phone towards her ear.

"Hey, I'm at the airport right now."

Shuzhen furrowed her eyebrows, confused as to why her boyfriend suddenly decided to go there, "What are you doing at the airport?"

Zimo tapped his foot and sighed, "Kaihao's back."

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