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"You fell for her, didn't you?" Ruibin asked, sitting in front of Bangbang. They were once close friends but after the incident between Kaihao and Yanyu, they too, fell apart.

"Why do you care?" Bangbang mutters, holding on to the mug.

"Bang, we're your friends. You can tell us anything." Mingzhu adds. She just finished cleaning the windows.

"Are you really? Do friends leave each other to cry on their own?" Bangbang asked. "Friends should comfort each other right? So where were you when Yanyu needed you the most?"

"Hu Zhibang." Mingzhu raised her voice a bit. "I came to Yanyu as soon as she came back but she was the one who locked me out. We already admitted our mistakes, so why are you being a sour friend?!"

"Mingzhu..." Ruibin calls out, trying to calm her down. "He's just a bit broken that's all -"

Mingzhu scoffed, "Pfft, broken my ass. Don't you mean he's angry at us because we finally made up with Yanyu and now he has to share her again with Kaihao."

Bangbang suddenly hit the table, "Do you really think I'm that desperate? Do you really think I would take Yanyu's happiness away?"

"If it means being with her, maybe."

Bangbang looks at Ruibin who looks at Mingzhu. He likes Yanyu but he wasn't that desperate. He still wanted what's best for her. He stood up and put down some cash for the coffee he bought, then left the store without even bidding goodbye.

"Mingzhu!" This time, Ruibin raised his voice. "I know you're a bit upset about this, but you shouldn't have said that to him."

Mingzhu bit her lip, realizing what she did, "I'm a bad friend."

.·:*¨¨*:·. .·:*¨¨*:·.

"What are you guys doing?" Shuzhen asked as she found Yanchen and Ruibin cleaning the bathroom with a toothbrush.

"Since Ruibin broke the sink, this is our punishment." Yanchen replied, cleaning the toilet bowl.

Chunhua walked towards the bathroom, "So Yanyu just texted me -" She stopped as she sees the boys' situation, "Uh, what are you doing?"

"Do I even have to answer that?" Ruibin sighed, as he continues on with their work.

Shuzhen laughs a bit and faced Chunhua, "What'd she say?"

"She says she and Kaihao are trying to make it work again and asked if all of us are free tonight." Chunhua reads from her phone. "He wants to brings us to karaoke."

"I'm free, and so is Zimo," Shuzhen says, spotting her boyfriend lying on Mingzhu's couch. "How about the others?"

"Xingjie and I are good for tonight, too. I'll just tell him and Xiao Gui to meet us there," Chunhua confirms.

"What about Mingzhu? She still locked up in her room." Peiyao asked, opening the fridge. "That fight with Bangbang did a toll on her,"

Yanlei nods in agreement, "They were really close so I guess she's feeling really guilty,"

"So, what are we gonna do about her?" Chunhua asked again.

"Babe," Shuzhen calls out to Zimo who was playing something on his phone. "She's your bestfriend. Do something."

Zimo furrowed his eyebrows and stood up, "Fine, I'll see what I can do."

He disappeared and a few seconds later, a scream was heard.

"What the -"

Yanlei's statement was cut off when Mingzhu exclaimed, "Why did you break the vase, Qin Zimo?!?!!!"

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