She loves me

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Alex's POV

     I stood in an empty office with Eddie's phone in my hand. He had tracked down where Spencer and our mother live now and gave me the number of the house phone. I press the contact that was saved into his phone and waited for someone to answer. Eddie was outside the door watching out for when the doctor that owned this office would arrive. I waited for seconds before someone answered the call. "Hello?" I didn't recognize the voice, but kept calm. "Hi, is Spencer Drake there?" I asked, hopeful that my twin sister would be there. "She actually stepped out can I give you my daughter's number? She must be with her." A woman asked.

     I hesitantly said yes and wrote down the number she gave me. We said our goodbyes and I hung up. I exited the office and Eddie looked at me with a concerned face. "Did she answer?" He asked. "No, someone else did. She gave me a number that I could use to possibly hear from her." I told him. "Well, we'll handle that later." Eddie said, putting his phone back into his pants pocket and taking me back to my room.

Hours later, Eddie passed me his phone secretly and stood outside my room while I made the call to the number the woman gave me earlier. The caller answered rather quickly. "Hello?" They said. "Hi, your mother gave me your number." I said. "Yeah. You're looking for Spencer?" She asked. "Yes! Is she with you, can I speak to her?" I asked her, excited I might finally talk to her. "I don't know where she is. We went to the mall and something happened. I haven't seen her for hours." She replied. I feel my heart break in my chest.

     How could she be gone? What happened to her? "C-can you call me when you I find her please?" I asked. "Sure." She simply replied, and we hung up. I cursed myself and handed Eddie his phone back, going to my room I sadness. I know she's there, it was so close.

I lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, contemplating what to do from here. I don't know where Spencer is or could be. There's a vast world beyond Radley's worn walls; she could be anywhere. I got up from the bed and went over to the desk, opening the drawer in front of me. Searching through the clutter, I pulled out a picture of Spencer and I, smiling at the old memories. It was the two us, standing in our room just months ago. Our birthday had arrived, Spencer got a camera while I got some pencils and paper to draw. Mom said I could write stories or draw, but I didn't enjoy either.

Spencer's POV

     Toby and I stepped out of his truck and walked up to his house. He unlocked it and stepped aside to let me in. I looked around the beautiful house and smiled. "It's nice. Simple, but nice." I said. "Thanks." Toby muttered, putting his keys down. We sat in the living in silence before I spoke. "What's going on between you and the girls?" I asked. "They think I'm some sort of a stalker. Alison told the others I was spying on them while they were changing." He answers.

I nod, reflecting on what he said. I really hope he didn't do that. "Can I use your phone? I should probably call Hanna and tell her I'm alright before she tells my mom." I asked. Toby reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone, handing it over to me. I dialed Hanna's number, which I was forced to memorize by my mom incase we got separated, and she answered in a second. "Hello?" She said. "Hey Hanna." I greeted. "Spencer! Where are you, we've been worried! I was gonna tell our moms but I thought you'd come back!" She screamed.

"I'm fine. I'm with Toby." I told her. There's silence for an few seconds. "As long as you're okay. Do you want me to pick you up?" She asked. "Uh...I'll have Toby drop me off later." I answered. "O-Okay." Hanna said uneasily. "Oh! Someone called me looking for you!" She suddenly said. "Wh-Who?" I asked nervously. Who would be calling for me? "I don't know, I didn't get her name. But she sounded...awfully like you." Hanna answered. They sounded like me...wait. "Can you give me their number?!" I asked anxiously. "Um, sure." Hanna said and gave me the number of who called her. We said our goodbyes and hung up.

I looked back at Toby. "I need to make another call." I told him. "You go ahead, I'll make us coffee." He said, walking out of the room. I dialed the number quickly and hoped it would be who I thought it was.

Alex's POV

     I was woken up from my nap my Someone shaking my shoulder. I saw Eddie above me and got up, noticing his phone was in his hand. "Someone wants to talk to you." He whispered, and handed over the phone. I took it and waited until Eddie was out of the room, guarding my door, before putting the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I asked anxiously, hoping it was her. "Alex!" It was her! It was Spencer! "S-Spence!" I yelled, tears pouring down my face.

     "Oh my god are you okay! Eddie said the nurses have been treating you like (cw) since I left." She asked. "I'm okay now." I said. "I'm calling on my friend's  phone so I can't stay long." She said sadly. "Oh okay...You made a friend?" I asked. "Yea. His name's Toby. I also met a group of girls, they're nice. Alison is their friend too." She said. "Alison? As in (cw)ing (cw) I can't (cw)ing stand Alison?" I asked. "Yes, that's her." I knew she was rolling her eyes right now. "I'm gonna visit you when I can, okay? Just hang in there." She told me. "I'll try." I said back. "You've got Eddie, he'll protect you. Bye Alex." She said. "Bye Spence. ...I-I love you." I told her. "I love you too."

     I ended the call and handed Eddie his phone back. I sat on my bed and cried that night, happy tears of course. I finally called Spencer after thinking I'd never hear her voice again, although it was the same as mine. But she loves me....I knew she never forgot about me.

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